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Author Topic: The Mill and the Cross  (Read 5749 times)

Sir Wolf

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The Mill and the Cross
« on: 2011-09-13, 18:10:38 »
James Barker posted about this in the Armour Archive.

This movie looks amazing on many many levels; Rutger Hauer, Michael York, Charlotte Rampling star in a movie that explores the symbolism of Bruegel's The Mill and the Cross painting:

http://trailers.apple.com/trailers/inde ... dthecross/

The website with a making of:


Sir William

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Re: The Mill and the Cross
« Reply #1 on: 2011-09-13, 18:52:42 »
This is the first time I've ever heard of this painting, or the book it inspired- much less this new movie showcasing 12 of the 500 penitents shown in the painting.  I'll need to take a closer look- upon first glance, I saw nothing noteworthy enough to spawn a book, much less a movie.
The Black Knight, Order of the Marshal
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