Main > The Armoury

De Rodes during the 12th to late 13th centuries

<< < (6/7) > >>

Sir William:
Ha!  In that case, I'll bring it with me to the next gathering...just let me know when.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2011-09-06, 20:03:04 ---Ha!  In that case, I'll bring it with me to the next gathering...just let me know when.

--- End quote ---

Will do, and, huzzah! :)

Sir Wolf:
huh?  8)

Sir William:
Sir Brian...could you point me to where your pics are located for that sugarloaf?

Sir Brian:
Well here it is with the new spring pins and chin strap. I'm not entirely satisfied with how
the open retaining spring pin works but I haven't revisited this helm since I did the initial
installation job, so I will have to tweak it a bit more.  :-\

Spring pin close-ups.


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