Main > The Great Hall

Long needed introduction

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Sir William:
Well met, Leganoth.  Enjoy!

Sir James A:
Well met! There was a "behind the scenes at medieval times" video on Youtube a while back that may still be there, which told about working there. All of the knights start as squires, and everyone literally "works their way up" the ladder. It seems a fun place to work.

Sir William:
Medieval Times does a six week training regimen for their jousters or so I was wife checks their wanted lists from time to time for me.  She was doing this long before she ever told me she was....what a great wife, no?

Sir Brian:
A good wife indeed Syr William!  :)

Yes working at medieval times is a goal for me in the next 5 years, im awaiting my 18th birthday just to see if i can get a job there


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