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Long needed introduction

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Leganoth here. Going to give info so people know where I am and such.  This is my facebook feel free to add me, i dont upload many pictures though.

I live in souther California in the LA area, i am currently 16 almost 17, aside from collecting medieval items and armors i play computer games and xbox games. This year i may possibly be going to anime expo dressed up, if you like anime look up pics you may see me in the background :) but its not positive if im going my sister just invited me. I will be going to the Ren faire this year dressed up. Last year we saw the youtube star shane daweson there. I bought a leather coinpurse, was the best archer at the archery range and paid 20 dollars for 70 throwing axes to throw at targets, only about 5 actually stuck..

Currently my kit consists of
-Bucket helm
-chain hauberk
-1 leg of chainmail chausses
-chainmail coif
-medieval padded shirt (its not a gabeson just a short with a little cotton padding in it)
-medieval leather belt pouch
-cosmetic elf ears. (i love elves)
-a bad sword, not sharp, loose blade
-a dagger, was giving to me free condition is flattened tip not very sharp, the hilt is just metal with fake sapphire looking gems
-modern day hunting crossbow 150 lbs
-hunting longbow (unstrung) its very old it was my fathers fathers bow, never used it, i got it from my brother

I would buy a medieval style crossbow but with the sensitve trigger and no safety i do not trust myself and theyre more expensive and hard to find bolts for.

I am a very good archer, i havent fenced in years but i was good. I plan to get a job at medieval times as a squire to begin with then be trained as a knight (if anyone knows about working there inform please)

But right now I am still in highschool as a junior

Sir Brian:
Hail and well met Leganoth and welcome to the forum!  :)

A very fine introduction and a most impressive list of garb and accouterments!  :)

Sir Wolf:
huzzah and welcome

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
Welcome Leganoth.

Sir Rodney:
Well met!


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