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Well, I got my chainmail chaps

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Well if I cannot find boots I will just get sabatons instead of leather boots  these are best i could find and only one every site has

Sir William:
You'll have to widen your search a little, Leganoth...Medieval Collectibles is a nice starting point, but it is hardly the most comprehensive resource for all things medieval.

I am thinking, at your age, at this stage of the game, you'll probably want to try out a lot of different things, which is easier to do if you're looking at the cheaper end of the scale.  However, there are certain things you should not skimp on, especially when they can have an effect on your own personal comfort.  Shoes, in particular, should fit well and be well made.  You can find a great many modern style boots that will fit the bill, but very few medieval style that will be at least historically plausible AND in period for what you're after, you mentioned the Middle Ages/Crusades, which basically rules out thigh high or pirate boots.

Now if we're talking just shoes, you can get a good pair here:

The Viking or 13th Century shoes should fit the bill for you...many will not be able to tell the difference between the two, and they are probably the best you'll get at that price.  Sir Wolf is intimately familiar with this brand if you need further information.  For what its worth, I'll end up with a pair myself, if only because at some point I plan on going the fully historic route.  Eventually.


--- Quote from: Ser William on 2011-08-10, 21:22:14 ---You'll have to widen your search a little, Leganoth...Medieval Collectibles is a nice starting point, but it is hardly the most comprehensive resource for all things medieval.

I am thinking, at your age, at this stage of the game, you'll probably want to try out a lot of different things, which is easier to do if you're looking at the cheaper end of the scale.  However, there are certain things you should not skimp on, especially when they can have an effect on your own personal comfort.  Shoes, in particular, should fit well and be well made.  You can find a great many modern style boots that will fit the bill, but very few medieval style that will be at least historically plausible AND in period for what you're after, you mentioned the Middle Ages/Crusades, which basically rules out thigh high or pirate boots.

Now if we're talking just shoes, you can get a good pair here:

The Viking or 13th Century shoes should fit the bill for you...many will not be able to tell the difference between the two, and they are probably the best you'll get at that price.  Sir Wolf is intimately familiar with this brand if you need further information.  For what its worth, I'll end up with a pair myself, if only because at some point I plan on going the fully historic route.  Eventually.

--- End quote ---

Yes i know i do tend to get stuck on medieval collectibles, bought a few things there but I did look at the viking site and found these as a choice

Sir Wolf:
those are great shoes A+ choice

padded legs

Sir Matthew:
Ser William the boots you are referencing look very similiar to late 16th/17th century bucket top boots, but rolled up of course. I would say they would pass the 10 foot rule for that period, but I would be suspicious of them for earlier periods. As you say though, you are not in a reenactment group are doing this more for fun and general looks, so I think if you like them, they look periodish so go for it.

I had forgotten Viking Leather Crafts, though I have never dealt with them myself, I hear good things. Another place to look at is Reconstructing History. They have a limited selection of footwear, most for later periods, and clothing patterns for a wide variety of time periods. Prices are prettty decent, quality is good and they are very easy to deal with. I bought a pair of latchet shoes from them and am thinking of picking up another pair, open side instead of the closed side I got this time, and a pair of Kuhlmale Landsknecht shoes.


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