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Great helm liners

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Sir Edward:
Speaking of liners, I picked up a couple of bascinet liners that I might be able to make work with the great-helms. The camp-foam works, but isn't very historical. :) Something padded with linen will be nicer in the long-run.

Sir Brian:
Yeah the camp foam isn't very absorbent either!  :P

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
There is actually evidence for the ringed arming coif. I will have a look and link it here.

Sir Gerard de Rodes:

--- Quote from: Leganoth on 2011-11-08, 23:00:20 ---
--- Quote from: James Barker on 2011-11-08, 20:21:26 ---I know I am coming to this thread rather late but I think I have the answer on the liners for you. I do not beleive early great helmets were themselves padded, instead the wearer had a padded coif under the maille, or a padded roll attached to the coif on the outside, a skull cap with padding above or under the maille coif layer, or a small bascinet helmet that was padded under the great helm.

Skull caps are seen in the 12th century straight through the GH era. The bascinet is a 14th century helmet. The padded roll is seen in 12th and 13th century effigies.

If you look here you can see both the small helmet and padded roll options

If you look at this Maciejowski bible image (1250) you see the point is back the the knight in front has a skull cap under the maille. 

Effigies of early crusaders show the padded roll I mention:

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Found this but still not sure if it would fill the helm

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In fact the evidence is in Leganoths link.They are wearing ring topped coifs the would give the appearance of a flat topped coif when worn under a maile coif.This would have given perfect ( as far as medieval people where concerned) protection under a pot helm or early great helm.

Sir Brian:
Sir Nathan:
These attached edited pictures with the red arrows show the Jack Nuts that I inserted into the base of the crest mount. I ensured to epoxy the 1/4 X 20 sized Jack Nut since it didn't completely penetrate the mount. You don't have to use a Jack Nut and can epoxy really any type of nut you want into the mount although I would avoid those Brazilian nuts as they are just 'odd' looking!  ;)

The mount is secured to the helm by two 1/4 X 20 bolts coming through the top of the helm into the Jack Nuts in the mount.

Here is a video as well on how Jack Nut tools work.


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