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15th Century combat demo (video)

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Sir William:
Nor should it, but for some odd reason, it bothered me.  lol

Sir Edward:
The whole WMA/HEMA world has a lot of big egos in it. Whether you actively do historical combat or not, the nitpicking really needs to be taken with a grain of salt. Different groups emphasize different things, and people do what their emphasis, rules, and expertise allow. If you're having a good time, then I think you've accomplished your goal. Ignore the naysayers!

Sir William:
I think I took offense because the criticism leveled wasn't positive...that one guy seemed to need to point out what he saw as a lack of technique.  Led me to believe he'd never actually been in a fight before.  lol

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2011-07-22, 13:27:47 ---If you're having a good time, then I think you've accomplished your goal. Ignore the naysayers!

--- End quote ---

Agreed wholeheartedly!


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