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15th Century combat demo (video)

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Sir William:

--- Quote from: Lord Rodney on 2011-07-08, 13:20:17 ---
--- Quote from: Sir William ---I think if we put two unknowns together for a duel- that is, people who are not familiar with one another, then the result will be more like Barker's vid and not the one up top.
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You are correct.

I read the same commentary on the AA thread and just shrugged.   ::)  The same holds true when you are fighting in an SCA tournament against an unknown opponent.  If you haven’t had the opportunity to watch him/her in a previous round, you end up taking it slow and feeling each other out.  I can only assume that it would be the same, or more so, when steel is involved.  Keep in mind that there are a great number of intelligent, well read and very capable fighters on AA as well as a fair number of armchair quarterbacks who *maybe* get into armour once a year, but seem to have input on every subject matter. ;)

--- End quote ---

Huzzah for armchair QBs no?  I think it is natural for spectators to critique what they're seeing, even if they may not really know enough about the subject matter to discuss it in-depth, most folk are smart enough to pick up on subtleties if the subject at hand is of interest to them.  For my part, I thought Kevin handled himself well...especially against an opponent that he gave nearly half a foot in height and easily 50-60 lbs in weight; if I did not think (and know) better of him, I would've said James was a big bully!  LOL

Sir Wolf:
hmmm kevin is shorter than i and around the same weight so that puts james at about 8 inches taller and 100+ heavier ehhehe

Sir William:
Really?  He looks like he's the size you used to be, but no way, not now.  He's got you by at least 20 lbs I'd say.  How tall is James?  I'm just a hair over 6', I figured he was about 6'2" at the most, but pictures can be deceiving- not to mention, uneven ground. 

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
Brilliant !!

James Barker:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2011-07-08, 19:09:30 ---How tall is James?  I'm just a hair over 6', I figured he was about 6'2" at the most, but pictures can be deceiving- not to mention, uneven ground.

--- End quote ---

6'3". I am not to worried about the comments people make; I am not HWMA expert and I would not call our combat amazing but it was fun. Some of the comments were legit some was sour grapes from combat clubs that don't do historical style combat. I does not bother me either way.


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