Main > The Armoury

Name of your Sword

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Sir Dimitry:
That being said, I don't name my weapons, but I always refer to them with feminine pronouns.


--- Quote from: Sir Dimitry on 2015-07-07, 03:38:58 ---Sandor Clegane had something to say about this topic in the Game of Thrones show, Season 4 I believe...  ;)

--- End quote ---

Ha, yes he certainly did. :)

I've never felt compelled to name any of my personal weapons.

Sir Douglas:
I never really got into the whole naming of inanimate objects thing, either. Though when I was younger I hunted with a little 20-gauge bantam shotgun I called Little Bart (because my dad called his 12-gauge Big Bertha). I also named my anvil Frank :P

Sir Rodney:
I’ve never named my weapons, but I do write little messages and smiley faces on my SCA thrusting tips for my own amusement.  If I’m going to poke a guy in the ocular, at least the last thing he sees before dying is a smiley face.   :)

Sir Edward:

I think if I started naming my weapons, I'd run into the problem of not being able to keep the names straight. It works well enough for me to just refer to my Albions and A&As by their model names. Besides, "The Baron" still sounds pretty good, for example. :)


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