Main > The Armoury


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Sir Wulf:
I don't know how many padding configurations I tried. The problem was the jousting visor being all the way back and catching blades. Since I started leaving the second visor positioned over my forehead that problem has gone away.  Now if the blow skates off the front of the helm it closes the visor all the way. Unless you joust I wouldn't ever get a helm with the second visor. This is one reason I'm asking about the barbute.

Sir Wolf:
nice looking stuff. any other pictures of your armour or soft kit?

Sir Wulf:

This is from the last tournament I fought in with the Ordo Har Megiddo. It's the only pic I have of my gambeson

This is my current "soft kit" The boots are by RenBoots, the blue tunic I had sewed many years ago when I played the larp amtgard, 3" 2-buckle leather belt, sporran, dirk, Malatesta sword (named Faylinn), museum replicas monks hood, and believe it or not Starter brand underarmor bottoms for my "hosen".

I am working on getting a pic of me wearing the windlass gothic cuirass that I wore in the last tourney.

Sir Wolf:

what faires do you fight at? :)

Sir Wulf:
No faires. I used to fight with a group called the Ordo Har Megiddo in Anniston Alabama. But upon relocating to Anniston because of a job I discovered some horrible things about my friend. But before that I fought with him and his group twice a year for three years. And I do mean fight. They used very lightly padded wasters and went at it full tilt. I saw concussions, 2 severely fractured hands, a broken collar bone and almost got my knee blown out.
After the revelations about the Ordo Har Megiddo several of us broke away. We still practice every Sunday and we're looking for local groups that can help us continue are WMA education. I've expressed my unhappiness with the padded wasters and am in the process of getting wooden wasters for our practice.   


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