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Sir Edward:

What sorts of problems were you having with the group? Were they doing unethical things? Or was it just a safety issue? There really is no need to injure each other like that. We rarely have any significant injuries in our group, since we all make an effort to have sufficient control and safety to avoid it.

Sir Wulf:
Safety isn't really much of an issue. Those injuries occur mostly with our hard-ass'. Our rule is "I'll hit you as hard as you hit me". We know who each other are, against the rest of the fighters we use less intensity. It's not like we're trying to cause damage to each other but wma is a full contact combat form.
The issues were mainly with "Sir Chistov Von Belitz" of the Ordo Har Megiddo were ethical. His real name is Christopher Belitz (pornounced blitz). I knew this guy off and on for almost 15 years and thought I knew the guy. It turns out he had been stealing from the fighters, lying about his credentials and has a severe pot and alcohol problem. On top of all this he turns out to be a nazi.
So I called a meeting of the fighters of OHM and laid everything out for them. I had already talked to most of them individually and made common knowledge all the facts. Most of the fighters decided to leave his group, not liking nazi's any more than a do. Most of these guys are severely lacking in training due to Chris' lies about HIS training.
That's pretty much the basics of the situation I found myself in last year.

Sir Edward:
Youch. Yeah, it only takes one bad apple to ruin it for everyone else. It's always a shame though when it results in the dissolution of a group. But some things can't be left unanswered.


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