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Author Topic: Joshua's armor - was Re: Ed's Mid 14th C. kit  (Read 42830 times)

Sir Gerard de Rodes

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Re: Joshua's armor - was Re: Ed's Mid 14th C. kit
« Reply #45 on: 2011-06-14, 19:19:53 »
Or even this one from Wasson

I must admit I do like this one. You could get a really nicely fitted dupon to fit over this, whereas if I was wearing a lateC14 segmented breast plate I would be tempted to show off the steel and not wear my colours lol.

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Joshua Santana

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« Last Edit: 2011-06-15, 18:59:16 by Sir Edward »
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Re: Joshua's armor - was Re: Ed's Mid 14th C. kit
« Reply #47 on: 2011-06-16, 02:35:14 »
Or I could do something like this:

(bascinet) http://kultofathena.com/product.asp?item=AB2971&name=Great+Fighting+Bascinet

nice start.


(mail) http://www.kultofathena.com/product.asp?item=AB2735&name=Mail+Aventail has it for cheaper. they are both back ordered from GDFB


can't go wrong with these.


i would get a move V shaped stop bib  than the rounded one pictured.


while i like these, and i think they work great, i think i would go with a more rondel (circular) shaped elbow fan.


kewl kewl.


these are great and on sale. while period in teh 14th century the upper cuise needs to be all one piece and not two pieces. but Sir Edward has these and they move nicely. i would ask for a smaller, shallower dished fan. I think Sir Brian had issues with the larger ones catching.


probably the most missed part of a kit. these would look great on their own, or over mail.

now if i were you i would get cracking on some of this armour. Merc Tailor is in need so I would take him up on some of his sales like the legs and greaves. (the greaves have me itching cause of the great price!!!)

also don't forget your foundation garment. Revival has a nice gambeson or arming coat as does historic enterprises.
« Last Edit: 2011-06-16, 05:01:39 by Sir Edward »