Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Chinese Prisoners Forced to Play World of Warcraft...

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Sir Brian:
It really isn’t a very good selling point for the game either!

“World of Warcraft is preferred over beatings with a PVC pipe by 4 out of 5 Chinese political prisoners!” ~ PC Gamer.


Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2011-05-27, 14:33:41 ---It really isn’t a very good selling point for the game either!

“World of Warcraft is preferred over beatings with a PVC pipe by 4 out of 5 Chinese political prisoners!” ~ PC Gamer.


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LOL! Yeah, that would go real well.

And it makes me wonder about prisoner #5. :)

Sir William:

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2011-05-27, 14:27:25 ---Well, those guys were already incarcerated- it was either play, or get beaten with plastic pipes.  LOL

--- End quote ---

Lots of people enjoy getting hit with rattan sticks, but I'd say that having armor and being able to swing back makes it a whole other world.

And now I'm wondering what's up with the seat covers I see on eBay. :(


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