Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Chinese Prisoners Forced to Play World of Warcraft...

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Sir Brian:

Ah the surreal idiocy of paying someone real money for fantasy money!  :D

Sir Ulrich:
lol, guess they're Chinese gold farmers. At least it's easier than forced manual labor.

Sir William:
That's almost amazing...all for some damn video game.  Hilarious! 

Now don't get me wrong, I am an AVID gamer...but I draw the line at some of the stuff that goes on. 

Sir Edward:
I just can't imagine being forced to farm gold in WoW for long hours. It's not exactly playing. It's more like repeating the same boring task over and over and over. I think most folks would want to gouge out their eyes after a while.

Sir William:
Well, those guys were already incarcerated- it was either play, or get beaten with plastic pipes.  LOL

I'm sorry, but that does not evoke a particularly fearsome image...guess it depends on whether or not they're solid or tubed.


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