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nice kit for sale

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Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2011-05-25, 14:07:53 ---Ha, he's just an inch shorter and a pound heavier than me.  It would be a perfect fit almost.

--- End quote ---

Just be careful, the same height and weight is often not the same body shape, and plate is quite unforgiving if the fitment is off. Remember, muscle weighs more than fat, and some people are overbuilt in some places and skinny in others, so go by exact measurements of the length, width and diameter of critical pieces - the vambraces, rerebraces, cuirass, cuisses, greaves.

Ask Sir Edward how awful it is to have pinchy bits from a pair of cuisses that are about 1/2" too long. Mine do the same, and I'm right in the middle of the "suggested height" of the armor.

That's a darn nice looking suit though!

Sir Wolf:
yeah, us short guys always get armour bites

Sir Ulrich:
Nice, but that kit would never fit me... Sucks being almost 5 9 and being extremely thin, thats why I don't plan to get plate until I'm older when I have filled in more. Still want a kit like that one day, I'd end up looking like King Arthur from the film Excalibur, which a lot of people say I look like him cept with red hair.

Sir William:
He was even shorter than you, Ulrich.  That actor topped out at 5'7"...but w/the right camera angles, they can make anyone look tall.

Sir Edward:

Yeah, it's probably best to wait until you're sure you've stopped changing size. I got within about an inch of my current height by the age of 14, but I was an early bloomer. That last inch or two came gradually up until I was about 22. But then there's the weight changes too. I put on something like 50 pounds over the course of my 20's (which was a good thing since I was pretty scrawny to start with). And most people put on about 2 or 3 pounds a year during their 30's unless they control it with exercise and diet. So it's tricky.

My plate armor was a little big on me at first. It fits me best when I'm on the heavy side (like now). I won't want to wear it when I get the weight off again... heh. :)


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