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The Chivalric Fighting Arts Association

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Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: Rodney on 2011-04-27, 15:09:39 ---Mr. Christian Henry Tobler announced the creation of The Chivalric Fighting Arts Association in this myArmoury post yesterday afternoon.  This is very exciting news indeed!  I recognized several of the founding members including Christian Henry Tobler, Gregory Mele, Sean Hayes, Guy Windsor and Bill Grandy.   The mission statement sounds spot-on and I can't wait to see how high the CFAA takes the Knightly Arts. :)

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Congratulations and kudos to these fine gentlemen and scholars. Regretfully I only had the privilege of meeting just two of the individuals on this esteemed list of master instructors.

Sir Edward:

Hey all, just a quick note, as a moderator.

I deleted the posts after this point in the thread. I don't want anyone to feel like they broke the rules, but we felt it was getting a little too far off topic in a way that could be misinterpreted. So in the interest of keeping things "on the level", I just removed the posts (including mine).

Feel free to continue the existing discussion, but we just need to be mindful that it may look unprofessional when we start comparing personal opinions of people who aren't present. Expressing opinions is fine, but you know how the Internet can be. We don't want the CFAA getting stuck with some misunderstandings right out of the gate.

I'm just as guilty as anyone else, so this is pointed at me too. :)

Sir Rodney:

--- Quote from: RauttSkegg on 2011-04-28, 01:33:23 ---Looks good.

Wasn't there something about 2 SCA Knights being on the founding board as well?


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You are correct Ivan.  I've copied a post by Mr. Tobler from this Armour Archive thread.

--- Quote from: Christian H. Tobler on Armour Archive ---Hello Vladimir,

In general, though there might be some exceptions down the line, we're a confraternity of schools. However, there is no prejudice against SCA members: Scott Wilson, who heads Southern Academy of Swordsmanship, and Bob Charrette, of Forteza Historical Swordwork Guild, are both SCA knights.

Beyond that, members schools come in by invitation, and through a sponsor.



Christian Henry Tobler
Order of Selohaar

Freelance Academy Press
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Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Rodney on 2011-04-27, 15:09:39 ---The Chivalric Fighting Arts Association

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Heh, this is one of the things I love about web development. Just out of curiosity I looked at the website's structure. No CSS. Just simple HTML and images, and yet it looks clean and professional. There's so many ways to accomplish the same goals. Much like the fighting arts themselves. :)


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