Main > The Armoury

icefalcon prices to rise

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Sir Ulrich:
Yeah thats a pain, I kinda need it by May or June so I can go to a faire in armor for the first time. I am tired of wearing nothing but a gambeson, gets tiresome. The one on KOA would be too big and I'd have to slim it down cause I don't want the extra weight and whatnot. Of course I got plenty of time to do that just not a stand to do it on or the skills needed for tailoring....

Sir Wolf:
no this is a new price increase due to the giant rise in steel prices.

ya i only buy stuff instock cause like everything else it comes from some 3rd world country and shipping/customs takes forever.

Sir Ulrich:
I wish I knew about this beforehand, I did email him and he said it was on the water. It could arrive at any time but I'm extremely anxious about this.

Sir James A:
I have had a range of time from IceFalcon. I ordered a set of rivited mail pliers that arrived within a week. The 9mm stainless rivited rings I ordered took somewhere around 3 or 4 months, though he told me it was back-ordered BEFORE I ordered. The arming cote I bought was here in days, and even when I exchanged sizes, it was back to him and another one out to me in less than 2 weeks.

In one message he said he would try to "get it on the water", which was 2 months or so after I ordered. I'm not sure if he's full/part/reserve military and is sometimes deployed? I've had multiple orders from him and never failed to receive anything. I don't know if you'd receive it in time for faire, but I think you'll receive it - and if not, worst case, he always insures his shipments.

Sir Wolf:
ya he was deployed at one point a few years ago. he had his barony helping run his shop while he was away.


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