Main > The Armoury

icefalcon prices to rise

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Sir Wolf:

hurry up on your SS mail pieces. teh prices are going up soon

Sir James A:
Again? Or is this the increase he talked about in Dec last year?

Sir William:
How long do we have?  I guess the time is NOW to move on maille if its what one is needing....but was wondering when does that sale actually run out?

Sir Ulrich:
Heh I am extremely annoyed because my maille was supposed to arrive in january and it hasnt arrived at all. I did email the guy he said it was on the way but I have had no updates on it. I want my maille in time for the medieval faire, so i'm actually considering to hell with it and buying the stuff from kult of athena. Anyone got suggestions on what to do?

Sir Edward:
He took something like a year to get me the mail standard I ordered. I ended up getting another from someone else (Historic Enterprises maybe? I forget), since I had forgotten I had ordered one already. I still haven't rigged up either one for use yet.

But the chausses I ordered from him came right away. I think it varies depending on whether it's in stock, and his out of stock stuff can take a really long time since it's coming from overseas manufacturing.


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