Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

awesome pics on myarmoury

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Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2011-04-11, 12:14:16 ---
--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2011-04-08, 22:34:28 ---
--- Quote from: Sir William on 2011-04-08, 16:52:18 ---Can someone post the pic in here?  I just realized I didn't actually see it and when I tried- I can't.  :(

--- End quote ---

All the pics are there for me. I saved a copy of them last night (always filling up my collection), I could post them to my photobucket or something if you can't see them - but do they show up as an X for you or something?

--- End quote ---

Myarmoury the site itself is blocked.  Just horrible, I know.

Sir Ulrich, I believe that image was altered to include the dirt and blood.

--- End quote ---

Heretics! How dare they!

Here you go:


Sir William:
Wow, those are great shots, you have my thanks, Sir James.  The Boromir cotehardie sits well on him, I've often wondered how it would look.  Love his boots too...and of course, all the rest.  What's not to love about swords and armor, right?

Those are the types of shots I'd like to take of us, individually and collectively.  If we could ever get everyone together, I have a friend who moonlights as a wedding photog, she did my wedding and the results were fabulous (I expected no less)- I'm sure I could talk her into doing a shoot for us.


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