Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

awesome pics on myarmoury

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Sir Wolf:

Sir Brian:
Wow! Those are some great pictures!  :)

Sir Edward:

This first two look really good. I want to do more of this too- artistically painting over the person in the photo to give it some "out in the field" and "banged up" sort of looks. Like in the second one, all the added blood and dirt. In that one he started with a photo, but manipulated it so much that it almost looks like a painting.

I really think we need to arrange some photo-shoot days with a bunch of us. Perhaps in a park somewhere. And ideally on a bright but overcast day (best lighting!!). There's only so much you can do in photoshop (with my newb skills) without a good picture to start from.

Sir William:
Sounds like a plan^^^, gents...lets do it.

Sir Ulrich:
I would love to have photos like this done. Would be cool to have the bunch of us doing things like this.


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