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Author Topic: Jackwagon!  (Read 15078 times)

Sir William

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Re: Jackwagon!
« Reply #15 on: 2011-04-06, 15:10:31 »
Perception.  And the knowledge that the masses are more easily controlled than individuals.
The Black Knight, Order of the Marshal
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Joshua Santana

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Re: Jackwagon!
« Reply #16 on: 2011-04-06, 20:34:59 »
With freedom comes responsibility. He's free to burn books and spout hate-speech, but he's also free to reap the inherent dangers as well, IMHO.

What is really pathetic is that Pastor abusing and twisting the bible scripture in Acts 19:18-20 to conform to his twisted self-serving ideology when in that scripture the essential difference was the newly converted willingly burned their own troves of arcane books as a form of their repentance. If a person’s heart is not changed by the Holy Spirit than nothing will change it! I cannot understand how folks who profess so strong and loudly of the piety are so far off the mark.

After reading the article on this and reading this thread.  I find myself agreeing to everything that Sir Brain and Sir Edward are saying and I agree that acts such as these carry a huge price tag, usually the irremovable stain on their reputation and credibility. 

I do not condone acts such as these, religious hatred has been the cause of wars and prejudice since the beginning of time, we Knights are sworn to protect those who are prey to individuals that seek to stain their honor and benefit themselves.

In terms of being aware of the fact that the bad side of Islam is radicalism and Shariah Law, it does exist.  It is no joke at all.  But does that mean that we have to go to the extreme to get the point out?  Only if the situation calls for it, in this case, he put a price on his head and soul.

That is my take on this issue.

Knight of The Lion Blade

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