Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

i got bit bad

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Sir Wolf:
stop it, ure not helping heheehehehheeeh


i want 1 of these bikes

Sir James A:
Albion sells bare blades. You could buy one and build yourself a custom sword.

Only 20 or 30? Clearly not enough. Remember, one for every year of your age!

Sir Rodney:

--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2011-04-01, 23:04:06 ---Albion sells bare blades. You could buy one and build yourself a custom sword.

Only 20 or 30? Clearly not enough. Remember, one for every year of your age!

--- End quote ---
If that's the Modern Chivalry rule, then I'm SOL. ;)  My sword to age ratio is a very weak 1:8. :-[

My total weapon to age ratio is better at 1:3, does that qualify?

Sir Wolf:
ya but i sold some of my gear when i started getting into LH to pay for it. as well as my wife's glasses, taxes etc hehehe.

honestly don't remember the number of blades i do have... hmmmmmmmmmm

Sir Edward:
Yeah, I'm probably the only one here that lives up to that "age rule" these days. And probably not for much longer. I'm going to sell off some of my older/cheaper stuff. And I keep getting older, despite my best efforts. :)


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