Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

i got bit bad

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Sir Wolf:
by the gun bug.

uggg recently i have been spending way to much time pondering over weapons of the projectile kind. recently my mom bought me a mossin nagant for my bday and for Christmas I bought a Fusil flintlock. i already own several other rifles and military items, but i have my eye on a 1917 eddystone and a 303 british refurbished by the US during the war. man i want them. of course there is a sweet sks at the same gun shop tooo AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH help me. i'll never get my kits done ehhehe

Buy a good sword, axe, or spear.

You'll feel better.

Sir Wolf:
umm i have a few of those, or 20, maybe even 30 ehhehe

Sir Edward:

Yeah, I have that problem too. I get on a sword kick for a while... then maces... then pole arms... then firearms... etc. I rotate through. :)

Buy a BMW r1200gs?


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