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Author Topic: Becoming a Knight is not easy  (Read 6499 times)

Sir Edward

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Becoming a Knight is not easy
« on: 2011-03-23, 20:26:06 »
Becoming a Knight is not easy

"Becoming a Knight is not easy. It’s a long, continuous process, and a difficult, sometimes painful one. It starts not with the dubbing or the diploma, the approval of your peers or the accolade of the Grandmaster - it starts when you think of yourself as a Knight for the first time. Maybe you have always done so, from childhood; maybe you’ve grown into the role gradually. Or maybe, as I did, you went through life emotionally oblivious of how stern a teacher it could be, until lightning struck close and personal loss, or the pain of those you cherish, made you realise that you could either stick your head back in the sand and wait for the next storm, or stand up at last and face it, do what you could, not because it would necessarily change anything, but because at least you’d be trying.

In the end, the path you take doesn’t matter much. The destination is important, not where you started. As long as you walk on, you’re trying.

If you’re already one of us, as you walk this path I salute you my brother, my sister. If you are not in the Confraternity but have already started this journey, or wish to do so, then I say: welcome. It is a long road, a hard road; and the world needs you to walk it. With us, or not - but walk it. We can use the help.

I know I do."
« Last Edit: 2011-03-23, 20:28:05 by Sir Edward »
Sir Ed T. Toton III
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Sir William

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Re: Becoming a Knight is not easy
« Reply #1 on: 2011-03-24, 14:40:14 »
That is as clear and concise a treatise on modern knighthood as I have ever read; being knightly means always knowing what the high road is and being unafraid to take it for the journey maybe long and lonely - to rise and rise again consistently against the odds, that is the true essence of a knight.  I fully agree; and can attest to the hardship of holding one's self to higher standards than your peers - it would be so much easier to behave in a base fashion but that is the point, is it not?
The Black Knight, Order of the Marshal
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Re: Becoming a Knight is not easy
« Reply #2 on: 2011-03-25, 01:50:29 »
An excellent summation of the modern knight, Sir Edward.  On a personal level, the last few days have been a bit challenging for me, so thanks for that little nudge back onto the path. :)
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Sir James A

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Re: Becoming a Knight is not easy
« Reply #3 on: 2011-03-25, 19:14:28 »
Well said.
Knight, Order of the Marshal
Sable, a chevron between three lions statant Argent

Joshua Santana

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Re: Becoming a Knight is not easy
« Reply #4 on: 2011-04-07, 16:47:32 »
The article is truly the best summation of Modern Knighthood.  I can even the best summation of the Cause we all fight for.

It is one thing to fantasize being a Knight, but it is another thing to live in the manner befitting a Knight, this article also has the best summation of Franchise.

Other people who do not understand this will reject the idea, but it is us who will continue to stay the course and prove them wrong!

At Your Service,
Sir Joshua, Knight of The Lion Blade
Knight of The Lion Blade

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