Main > The Armoury

New Year, New Kits

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Sir Robert:
All these- even the scary black and silver set I made about two years ago, I kind of took some time off from it last year, but now wanted something new. I also made the axe you see after talking with Sir Brian, as we were talking about how few truly period and functional axes there were (he bought one almost two years ago so I made this last year).

I am making a set of poleams this year that can be carried at the PA Faire I think....(rubber blades inside of metal plates, should really look great but no edges)

Sir William:

--- Quote from: Stormdelver on 2011-03-23, 20:08:26 ---Here as well (detail)

--- End quote ---

I love the crosses....very well done, Stormdelver.  Do you do commissions?

Sir Patrick:
Nice work, Stormdelver!

Sir Robert:
Thanks for all the kind comments, as for commissions maybe....I like artistic but period based pieces, but I think you flatter me too much. When I set out to create my armor originally (not knowing much about it) I set my goal to do something that hasn't really been done before but yet in a traditional way.

This lead me to etching, an art practiced on commissioned armor to be sure, along with gilding, plating, and many jewlery techniques. Then they used things like nettle sap and wax, that really takes a long time...and would not wotk on Stainless at all.

I happen to have aweird set of skills such as blacksmithing and as a ferrier...(I was raised on a working farm by a traditional German Grandfather who was also a railroad man). That with a lot of knowledge of chemistry.....anyway here you go.

Last night at my Cub Scout Meeting I taught etching this way to make coins, I mase a Modern Chivalry coin, not much to look at yet artsy wise as I made it in a couple of minutes but I like the coin idea

Sir Wolf:
wow very cool!


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