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Author Topic: Knighthood, and what others think of you.  (Read 8905 times)

Sir Edward

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Knighthood, and what others think of you.
« on: 2011-02-02, 21:36:11 »

I was glancing over a thread on the AA, where they're discussing non-knight's opinions of the SCA knighthood. While it was intended to be a discussion for non-knights only, a KSCA jumped in and had this to say. I thought I'd quote it here, since I think it's relevant to what we're facing as well. When we put on the armor and spurs, people look at us differently, and I think it's important that we remember what we're doing when we do so.

Much of the advice I received during my vigil was spot on. Nothing rings more true than those who told me that "people are watching you now and will evaluate many of your actions, choosing what is good or bad and counting them in baskets of each." Watching this thread has really reinforced that for me. You should continue to do so and be unapologetic. That's my job, in a way. I could have said "No", but I took the belt, spurs, and chain. I accept that.

For those of you who aspire to knighthood, remember this condition of the accolade as you progress. You'll be just like the rest of us - imperfect. You might be the name an encouraging mother whispers in the ear of a suckling infant, or the name a father spits in admonition with a wagging finger.
Sir Ed T. Toton III
Knight Commander, Order of the Marshal

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Sir Brian

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Re: Knighthood, and what others think of you.
« Reply #1 on: 2011-02-03, 01:46:53 »
Most excellent and well put! I concur wholeheartedly and would venture to add that those same sentiments should be applied whether we are in armor or not for truly the iron is really in the heart and soul of the knight and not in his harness.  :)
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Sir Wolf

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Re: Knighthood, and what others think of you.
« Reply #2 on: 2011-02-03, 01:50:29 »

Sir Patrick

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Re: Knighthood, and what others think of you.
« Reply #3 on: 2011-02-03, 05:18:48 »
the iron is really in the heart and soul of the knight and not in his harness.

An excellent bit of wisdom, Sir Brian, which I shall be sharing with my sons at breakfast tomorrow!

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Sir William

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Re: Knighthood, and what others think of you.
« Reply #4 on: 2011-02-03, 15:10:53 »
Think I'll put that one under my cap for later usage...thanks Sirs Edward and Brian, for the morning wisdom.
The Black Knight, Order of the Marshal
'Per Pale Azure and Sable, a Chevron counterchanged fimbriated argent.' 
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Re: Knighthood, and what others think of you.
« Reply #5 on: 2011-02-04, 04:58:13 »
...for truly the iron is really in the heart and soul of the knight and not in his harness.  :)

Well said.  If I may add "in his harness or belt".  For those not aware, the wearing a white belt is a restricted honor for SCA knights.  The vast majority of SCA knights carry themselves as a true knight should.  In all my years in the SCA I've only once had  the misfortune of encountering one individual who seemed to think the color of his belt "entitled" him.  I will never forget this singular negative encounter, nor will I let it cloud the hundreds of positive encounters with true knights I've had the good fortune to cross blades with.
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Sir Edward

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Re: Knighthood, and what others think of you.
« Reply #6 on: 2011-02-04, 19:57:29 »
Well said.  If I may add "in his harness or belt".  For those not aware, the wearing a white belt is a restricted honor for SCA knights. 

Yeah, I think that's pretty unique to the SCA though. The historical basis for it comes from some of the early writings describing the knighting ceremonies, but historically the most commonly worn symbol of knighthood was the gilded spurs. Later on toward the renaissance this was often replaced with a chain.

In all my years in the SCA I've only once had  the misfortune of encountering one individual who seemed to think the color of his belt "entitled" him.  I will never forget this singular negative encounter, nor will I let it cloud the hundreds of positive encounters with true knights I've had the good fortune to cross blades with.

That's good to hear. At Pennsic I remember overhearing a conversation at our camp, where someone was expressing the opinion that most of the knights were arrogant and elitist. One of the fighters made the point that it's true of some, but not all. It really does boil down to attempting to judge a group based on what a few individuals have done.

I think sometimes the person making the judgment will have their opinion influenced greatly by their own personality and personal history. Some people immediately dislike any sort of Order or private club, with the assumption that it must be elitist. The SCA Order of Chivalry I'm sure is no exception here.
Sir Ed T. Toton III
Knight Commander, Order of the Marshal

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Joshua Santana

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Re: Knighthood, and what others think of you.
« Reply #7 on: 2011-04-14, 20:34:49 »
Much of the advice I received during my vigil was spot on. Nothing rings more true than those who told me that "people are watching you now and will evaluate many of your actions, choosing what is good or bad and counting them in baskets of each." Watching this thread has really reinforced that for me. You should continue to do so and be unapologetic. That's my job, in a way. I could have said "No", but I took the belt, spurs, and chain. I accept that.

For those of you who aspire to knighthood, remember this condition of the accolade as you progress. You'll be just like the rest of us - imperfect. You might be the name an encouraging mother whispers in the ear of a suckling infant, or the name a father spits in admonition with a wagging finger.

the iron is really in the heart and soul of the knight and not in his harness.

This really comes to show that True Knighthood and Chivalry is more that just a Code we all live by, it is more than a Philosophy that can be used in debates, it is more than a Title for Valor or for Honor. Whether it may be in HEMA, SCA, Adrian Empire, Markland Medieval Mercenary Militia or other Chivalric Orders, our choices and what we do in the presence of others is how we define Chivalry and Knighthood.  It is a Life style and a Path in Life.  This is my take on this and I have Faith in the fact that by leading my life in a Knightly Manner, I become myself but ennobled and courageous to take on Life itself and being able to do deeds with a Purpose.

This almost reminds me of the phrase "Deeds themselves are useless unless they are for some higher purpose." (King Arthur)

To me, Chivalry is the Code and Philosophy, the why we do, what we do.  Knighthood is the manner, the intention, the will and the rule of thumb for Life and daily choices. 

As far as anyone think of me as a Knight, that is their discretion.  I have seen people that refuse to believe in Chivalry, I have seen people that say I am crazy, insane or more recently that I am anachronistic.  But do I need to pay attention to them or listen to them.  I have that choice, or I can do something that is Chivalrous in front of other people and let them decided.  They may see one thing that is different from the other, but that will never change who i am as a man, and as a Knight.   
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Re: Knighthood, and what others think of you.
« Reply #8 on: 2011-04-14, 21:01:48 »
I started that thread a long time ago on the AA.

Is it still alive?
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Sir William

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Re: Knighthood, and what others think of you.
« Reply #9 on: 2011-04-15, 16:14:43 »
It lives on...here.
The Black Knight, Order of the Marshal
'Per Pale Azure and Sable, a Chevron counterchanged fimbriated argent.' 
“Pride makes a man, it drives him, it is the shield wall around his reputation.  Men die, but reputation does not.â€


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Re: Knighthood, and what others think of you.
« Reply #10 on: 2011-04-15, 22:56:14 »
Your thoughts on my posts?

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