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Author Topic: Pirate vs. Knight  (Read 20209 times)

Sir William

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Re: Pirate vs. Knight
« Reply #15 on: 2011-03-31, 19:04:37 »
I didn't even find it all that entertaining...when you know they're basically lying to you, it is hard to stomach.  I am reasonably sure not every knight was of champion mettle, just like I am reasonably sure that not every pirate was agile or well trained in the arts of land warfare...but the problem is, that any Joe Public watching the show is going to believe this crap because -

a - he saw it on tv
b - they used a hi-tech computer to run complex algorithms to come up with the results
c - the testosterone level is almost prohibitive to ordered, intellectual conversation/debate
d - the producers are unlearned sellouts w/regard to all things medieval, but they do know how to cater to our idiot populace

I guess we're in agreement, Sir Edward.

They had one where it was a gladiator (or Roman soldier) vs a samurai - I would've chosen the samurai myself simply because I feel they would've prevailed but the Japanese guys they had there were so high on themselves it was ridiculous to me.  Far as I'm concerned, no sensei should ever stoop to laying insults to elevate his own art, it isn't necessary and makes you look foolish, IMO.

Anyway, they were going on and on about how the Japanese bow was such a great and powerful weapon and how he could put an arrow into the eye (and I do know that archery requires skill and finesse, I've tried it) but come on, from 20 feet away at the most?

The smug look on his face almost did me in.  lol
The Black Knight, Order of the Marshal
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Sir James A

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Re: Pirate vs. Knight
« Reply #16 on: 2011-03-31, 21:38:54 »
A while back they discussed how they do the scenarios. One of the guys (the laptop one?) wrote some software that does some sort of voodoo based on the effectiveness of values that they assign to the weapons from their "testing".

It does not take skill into consideration.

It does not take armor into consideration, except if specifically done during the weapon testing, which is to say, rarely ever and inconsistently.

It does not take multiple opponents on the field into consideration, except the specifically 5 vs 5 episodes.

It does not take surprise into consideration, which obviously hinders the ninja / stealth warrior group in that it was a trademark portion of their arsenal.

If it were a true "match", the pirate would have had his booty handed to him. ;)

There were a couple cool spots in the few episodes I watched (anything with ancient warriors) - like the guy who was superb with a bow - I won't spoil it by telling what it was, but I was impressed by it - and my grandfather was VA state champion in archery numerous years.
Knight, Order of the Marshal
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Robert Hinds

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Re: Pirate vs. Knight
« Reply #17 on: 2011-04-02, 04:19:39 »
I have to agree with what everyone has said so far.

I have not seen the particular episode being discussed but I have seen 2-3 of the other episodes. The one I remember most was Al Capone's gang vs. Jessie James...Jessie James won despite the fact the Capone gang had grenades and a Thompson SMG. It was ridiculous.

As Sir William has mentioned, the worst part is that people beleive this show as fact. Then they argue with you because the people on the show "proved" it with "tests".

Also From what I've seen in commercials for the show and on the DVD boxes of the show, the knights armour isn't historically put together at all. The pic I saw had a guy dressed in full maille with a 16thC burgonet and a viking sheild (could of also been a 16thC target). It's not as important or as bad as the other problems with the show but it just annoys me when they get armour screwed up.  ;)
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Sir Edward

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Re: Pirate vs. Knight
« Reply #18 on: 2011-04-02, 13:10:14 »
I already knew it was fishy when they considered the swords to be equal. True, both a cutlass and an arming sword can cut through a pig. But they completely ignored the fact that for their experiment, the cutlass would have to go through mail and plate, whereas the arming sword would not. Likewise, the efficacy of the boarding axe was completely hinged on strikes against a helmet. They invalidated their own tests by ignoring variables and over-simplifying.

I have a feeling they like to "help" the underdog.
« Last Edit: 2011-04-02, 13:11:25 by Sir Edward »
Sir Ed T. Toton III
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Sir William

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Re: Pirate vs. Knight
« Reply #19 on: 2011-04-04, 14:56:02 »
Agreed...but a pirate besting a knight?  Come on...even if the knight wore no armor, his superior skills and training would still see him best the pirate, I'll say 7 times out of 10. 
The Black Knight, Order of the Marshal
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Re: Pirate vs. Knight
« Reply #20 on: 2011-04-06, 21:18:26 »
I have seen that episode and all I have to say about is that it is a Mother F********G DISGRACE!

They didn't take into consideration 16th Century Armor (which was the type of armor made when gunpowder weaponry was used)

They didn't take Medieval Martial Arts training into account, no Ringeck, no Talhofffer, nothing!

They didn't take into fact that Knights were capable of rolling in armor on the ground and would not be a sitting duck.

This episode pissed me off!

(All other considerations made courtesy of all of yee brethren need not mentioning)

I cannot bear to watch it.
Knight of The Lion Blade

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Re: Pirate vs. Knight
« Reply #21 on: 2011-04-07, 01:35:45 »
No worries guys. With all the other horrid misconceptions out there whats one more?

It's just mind candy. The ones who take this show for gospel think that a gun will kill you more dead than a combat knife.

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Sir Edward

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Re: Pirate vs. Knight
« Reply #22 on: 2011-04-07, 14:50:45 »
The ones who take this show for gospel think that a gun will kill you more dead than a combat knife.

That's true, and a good point. People don't realize just how horrific knife wounds can be. Let alone swords.
Sir Ed T. Toton III
Knight Commander, Order of the Marshal

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Sir James A

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Re: Pirate vs. Knight
« Reply #23 on: 2011-04-08, 04:51:58 »
The ones who take this show for gospel think that a gun will kill you more dead than a combat knife.

That's true, and a good point. People don't realize just how horrific knife wounds can be. Let alone swords.

Indeed. Just like the old saying "Do you know who ends up in a hospital after a knife fight?"

The winner.
Knight, Order of the Marshal
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Sir William

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Re: Pirate vs. Knight
« Reply #24 on: 2011-04-08, 16:51:46 »
I have to agree with what everyone has said so far.

I have not seen the particular episode being discussed but I have seen 2-3 of the other episodes. The one I remember most was Al Capone's gang vs. Jessie James...Jessie James won despite the fact the Capone gang had grenades and a Thompson SMG. It was ridiculous.

Well, I can almost agree with this assessment and I'll explain why- yes, the Capone boys would be armed with better, more advanced weapons, but nowhere do you read these guys were crack shots.  Jesse James and his boys, however, WERE not the spray and pray type like the typical gangster, they knew their irons and knew'm well.

I guess it would depend on the situation and to be honest, I don't think much of the comparison.  I'd like to see a Ninja against a medieval-era Hashishin...but it'd be more fun to see them ply their trade in a contest rather than fight one another.

As for whether or not a gun will kill you deader than a knife, dead's dead, 'nuff said.
The Black Knight, Order of the Marshal
'Per Pale Azure and Sable, a Chevron counterchanged fimbriated argent.' 
“Pride makes a man, it drives him, it is the shield wall around his reputation.  Men die, but reputation does not.â€