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Author Topic: Mildly GoT-Related Question  (Read 12106 times)


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Re: Mildly GoT-Related Question
« Reply #15 on: 2014-07-02, 17:50:21 »

So, the best theory I was exposed to and circulates in certain circles was this... Consider that Ned is so honor bound that it basically results in his own death.  He isn't willing to compromise any of his principles, literally to his end.  So why would a man like this so honor bound go off to war and cheat on his wife and come back with a son?  He wouldn't.

Meanwhile Lyanna Stark was a little bit smitten by Raegar Targaryen.  Then suddenly during  Robert's Rebellion, Lyanna Stark dies in Ned's arms.   Ned swears some great promise to Lyanna as she dies.  Her last words are 'promise me Ned!' And then he suddenly has a son named Jon...  Ned's willing to bear the shame of his fake indiscretion because of he is bound by his honor to Lyanna.  Making Jon the son of a Stark and a Targaryen... the Song of Ice and Fire if you will.. heyyyooooooo!!!

Very similar to the theory my group of friends has voiced as well. Also heavily noted is how Ned was adamant about informing Jon that he 'was of Stark blood' but never expressly named him as his son.

To the topic at hand, glad that my gut impression was correct. Wanted to ask those who had made a more focused study on Chivalry what their impressions were as well, and bow to the wisdom collected herein.

Thank you all very much for your answers!

Sir William

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Re: Mildly GoT-Related Question
« Reply #16 on: 2014-07-02, 18:09:57 »
Wow...that never even occurred to me.  I think I may have gotten waylaid by the repeated references of Jon having similar features to Ned (and Arya) - but if he's the son of Lyana, why wouldn't he?  WOW...now that would be something if it came out like that!

*spoiler alert*

For that to happen though, he will have to have survived that little impromptu blanket party with the sharp objects toward the end of the last book.
The Black Knight, Order of the Marshal
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Re: Mildly GoT-Related Question
« Reply #17 on: 2014-07-02, 18:38:01 »

Indeed, Sir William. Currently some of the running assumptions for what exactly will happen after said blanket party is either Melisandra will use her special Red God Powers to bring him back (Using basically the power Thoros has been using on Beric Dondarrion to bring him back), or that he might even potentially come back as a sentient Wight, which would really add to the 'Ice' part of the 'Song of Ice and Fire.'

Personally, after watching the show as well, and seeing the emphasis that's been placed on the power 'Royal Blood' has with the workings of the Red Priests, it could well be she could use all of the blood spilled to make some major magical feat occur as well. I didn't recall quite as heavy of a 'Royal blood is uber important, look what I can do' being stressed as heavily in the books, but I'm due to take another lap of the published 5 here soon, and I may be mistaken.

Sir William

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Re: Mildly GoT-Related Question
« Reply #18 on: 2014-07-02, 19:30:19 »
Vincent...that isn't as far fetched as it would seem- I still think Coldhands is his missing uncle, Benjen.
The Black Knight, Order of the Marshal
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Re: Mildly GoT-Related Question
« Reply #19 on: 2014-07-03, 17:25:46 »
You know for the sack of hollywood and keeping the show around I think they may stray from the books a bit. I think if the kill off fan favorite characters they would lose the show..so I am thinking that those fan favorite characters (mostly Tyrion) would ne safe...

I actually want to see more of the wolves and do we know if the hound really died or he is still alive and going to come after Arya? Cause we never really see him die and the magic of television might keep him alive....:) just saying..

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Lord Dane

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Re: Mildly GoT-Related Question
« Reply #20 on: 2014-07-03, 20:19:54 »
Vincent...that isn't as far fetched as it would seem- I still think Coldhands is his missing uncle, Benjen.

Someone has been reading ahead - correct. :)
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