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Author Topic: An Oath to the Broken  (Read 5743 times)

Sir Sorbus

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An Oath to the Broken
« on: 2013-04-06, 08:05:53 »
I apologize for the repost to those who read this on Chivalry-Now or MNC forum, but I really do want to get this around to as many people as possible.



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Re: An Oath to the Broken
« Reply #1 on: 2013-04-06, 09:46:12 »

Me & my ex talked tonight at length. Before we dated we were friends, and she has a new love now, perhaps that is what made it so easy to be able to tell her, and for her to tell me, how much we cared for each other, and that we had missed each other, that we wanted to be back in each other's lives. That, at the core, we were friends who were lessened by the loss of the other.

Much of the language you typed came up. I made her promises, she remembered them, she still believed me about them. Sometimes being true is not easy. If it was everyone would do it.
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Re: An Oath to the Broken
« Reply #2 on: 2013-04-12, 17:46:33 »
Sir Sorbus, that is a well written Oath in which we Knights must likewise keep on our Honor as Knights.  Well done.
Knight of The Lion Blade

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Re: An Oath to the Broken
« Reply #3 on: 2013-04-15, 03:40:50 »
I have made some minor changes to the text and posted it to my Facebook account.


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Re: An Oath to the Broken
« Reply #4 on: 2013-04-15, 18:19:15 »
Sir Sorbus, that was a very well written piece.
I very much enjoyed reading it.
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Re: An Oath to the Broken
« Reply #5 on: 2013-04-17, 22:35:53 »
Sir Sorbus,

thank you for sharing this.  Very well written.
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