I have Ed's second payment and James's. I will proceed as if its a three board order until Matt gets things straightened out. By this I mean, this money will clear Friday/Monday. I can start off buying two pieces of 1/8 inch plywood which will yield components for three shields to be glued ( each one takes about 24 hours to set, they must be trimmed, drilled and sanded and can have the fabric backing put on ). This will take most of a week ( this will be mostly evening work outside of the spectrum of outstanding commisions stuff ). I'm guessing Matt will have things settled either way by the end of next week and then i'll place the order for leather and get a third piece of 1/8 plywood as we'll have a definite count on the final number of boards. I just don't want to plunge in and start ordering based on a four board count without the final count in and end up running out of money because I pick up leather as if theres four ( an extra full side of facing leather ) or wood ( and extra 4'x8' piece of 1/8 inch plywood ) and run out of money if its less because the actual count ends up being three ( life happens, I think we pretty much all know that ) but the money for part of the leather is now tied up in a piece of plywood we no longer need. Disgretion is the better part of valor as the saying goes. Matt, let me know how things are progressing and i'll make arrangements to borrow my buddies box truck to make a lumber run Monday or Tuesday.