Main => The Armoury => Topic started by: Sir Brian on 2010-09-20, 13:01:20

Title: Now THIS just isn't fair!
Post by: Sir Brian on 2010-09-20, 13:01:20
*begin faux rant*
Ok, I am getting just a little bit irritated with all of these vendors offering stuff I really freaking want when I'm trying desperately trying to behave myself!

Just look at what those tempters at revival clothing are offering now! Their linen gambesons in green! (

*end faux rant*  :D

Sir Edward you may have to let me examine your revival clothing linen gambeson sometime in the future!  :-\
Title: Re: Now THIS just isn't fair!
Post by: Sir Edward on 2010-09-20, 14:23:48

Absolutely. I usually have it in the truck, so after faire one of these days we'll just have to go pull it out.
Title: Re: Now THIS just isn't fair!
Post by: Dragonlover on 2010-09-20, 23:44:14
And just think Sir Brian, you could get some red hose and REALLY get into the season! ;D
Title: Re: Now THIS just isn't fair!
Post by: Sir Brian on 2010-09-21, 11:22:59
...and then a pair of those pointy-toed short boots from Sandlar Boots...I see where you are going with this and it won't work because I'm far too tall to qualify as one of Santa's elves!  :D
Title: Re: Now THIS just isn't fair!
Post by: Sir William on 2010-09-21, 13:30:18
I know that feeling all too well, Sir Brian...classified sites are the general bane of my coin!
Title: Re: Now THIS just isn't fair!
Post by: Sir Ulrich on 2010-09-21, 20:36:52
Heh wish I could afford a fine gambeson. Was gonna get a GDFB gambeson but those only come in large so it wouldn't fit me. Ended up buying a 70 dollar danish made gambeson imported from europe. Fits me perfectly, little tight but i'm sure it will work with the mail I ordered.
Title: Re: Now THIS just isn't fair!
Post by: Sir Brian on 2010-09-22, 12:31:44
$70.00 gambeson? - That's a pretty reasonable price for a gambeson.
Details my good Sir! Details! How thick is it? What kind of material is it made of?
Is it linen, cotton, or polyester from the rare Persian polyester trees of Iran?  ;)
Title: Re: Now THIS just isn't fair!
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2010-09-22, 14:40:24
try Matauls in europe. i think thats how its spelled
Title: Re: Now THIS just isn't fair!
Post by: Sir William on 2010-09-22, 14:47:02
Heh wish I could afford a fine gambeson. Was gonna get a GDFB gambeson but those only come in large so it wouldn't fit me. Ended up buying a 70 dollar danish made gambeson imported from europe. Fits me perfectly, little tight but i'm sure it will work with the mail I ordered.

I'm a little on the small side too...what're your measurements, if you don't mind me asking? 
Title: Re: Now THIS just isn't fair!
Post by: Sir Brian on 2010-09-22, 15:00:21
try Matauls in europe. i think thats how its spelled

Oh thank you SOOOO much Sir Wolf! That was a great big help! Of course I have to want the pourpoint that costs about $600 USD!  ;) (
Title: Re: Now THIS just isn't fair!
Post by: Sir Edward on 2010-09-22, 15:11:21

They have some really great arming clothes! Too bad they're in Europe. It would be nice to have something like this that is local. I've added them to the links page.
Title: Re: Now THIS just isn't fair!
Post by: Sir William on 2010-09-22, 18:27:02
Wow...just wow.  Some of their stuff is head and shoulders above what we have ready access to.  I'm checking all their stuff, too...wonder if anyone's tried out their armor yet?
Title: Re: Now THIS just isn't fair!
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2010-09-22, 22:52:32
think thats not fair enough?

check out Luciano's place

muhahhahaha you are all under my spell! hahaha
Title: Re: Now THIS just isn't fair!
Post by: Sir Edward on 2010-09-23, 01:04:30
You are an evil, evil man... hehe :)
Title: Re: Now THIS just isn't fair!
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2010-09-23, 10:23:28
muahhahhahahhaha. find me a kit, anyones kit, and i'll show you ways to make them better, richer, classier and drain your wallets cause mine already is. muhahahhahahahahhahah ahhahahaha hohoohho cough cough sputter WHEEEEZE
Title: Re: Now THIS just isn't fair!
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2010-09-23, 10:28:21
try Matauls in europe. i think thats how its spelled

Oh thank you SOOOO much Sir Wolf! That was a great big help! Of course I have to want the pourpoint that costs about $600 USD!  ;) (

thats $213 plus $54 to ship. ;) evil grin
Title: Re: Now THIS just isn't fair!
Post by: Sir William on 2010-09-23, 14:58:40
Well!  The guys on the front of that last one are wearing barbuta of the type I've been searching for and have since found only one that matches the aesthetic, but its 18ga and way over priced.  Does look nice; but these guys look better.  Sir Wolf, you're a wicked, wicked knight.  Here's one for you, Sir:

I only post it here because I've never heard of it before, came across it in a related search this morning!  Ah CRAP, they only sell garments and stuff...good lookin stuff but I wonder where those guys got their helms from?
Title: Re: Now THIS just isn't fair!
Post by: Sir Brian on 2010-09-23, 18:17:55
try Matauls in europe. i think thats how its spelled

Oh thank you SOOOO much Sir Wolf! That was a great big help! Of course I have to want the pourpoint that costs about $600 USD!  ;) (

thats $213 plus $54 to ship. ;) evil grin


Well the prices are in Euros and the base price is 160 + 300 for the jacquard silk so that is 460 euros = $618 USD...but I definitely prefer your conversion method though! :)

Title: Re: Now THIS just isn't fair!
Post by: Sir William on 2010-09-23, 20:16:53
Oh you chose the decorative silk option...good Lord, Sir Brian!  That thing had better be comfy enough to sleep in- because if I bought it, that's exactly what I'd probably have to the car no less.  LOL
Title: Re: Now THIS just isn't fair!
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2010-09-23, 21:22:34
ah well then :P hehhe

it isn't faire

as to the barbuta, look at the new Cas Iberia/Hanwai version. i think it is a very good one: although you don't see them outside of Italy in the mid-late 15th century. wish they traveled more like the Italian export sallet
Title: Re: Now THIS just isn't fair!
Post by: Sir Ulrich on 2010-09-23, 21:26:42
Heh wish I could afford a fine gambeson. Was gonna get a GDFB gambeson but those only come in large so it wouldn't fit me. Ended up buying a 70 dollar danish made gambeson imported from europe. Fits me perfectly, little tight but i'm sure it will work with the mail I ordered.

I'm a little on the small side too...what're your measurements, if you don't mind me asking? 
I am 5 ft 8 and a half and only weigh 110 pounds.
Title: Re: Now THIS just isn't fair!
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2010-09-23, 22:49:31
i think my daughter has some Barie's Ken clothes you can wear ;)
Title: Re: Now THIS just isn't fair!
Post by: Sir William on 2010-09-27, 15:54:35
Sir Wolf, could you post a pic of that?  KoA's site is blocked for me (as are most of the great ones); Conall, you're even smaller than me- nothing wrong with it, I just need to go up a size from yours I think.

LOL @ Sir Wolf, play nice
Title: Re: Now THIS just isn't fair!
Post by: Sir Ulrich on 2010-09-27, 21:11:40
Yeah the problem isn't my height so much as it is finding clothing that would fit me like a second skin, especially pants. Everythings usually too loose for me. Thankfully this LARP magazine had stuff that would fit me so I ordered from there. Shame GDFB stuff is way too big for me... Considering they only come in Large XL and XXL. The GDFB shoes fit me perfectly though, couldnt ask for better medieval shoes. Wish there was a local shop where I could try things on before buying them to figure out what fits me well.
Title: Re: Now THIS just isn't fair!
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2010-09-27, 23:58:36
Title: Re: Now THIS just isn't fair!
Post by: Sir Edward on 2010-09-28, 00:58:44
Yeah the problem isn't my height so much as it is finding clothing that would fit me like a second skin, especially pants. Everythings usually too loose for me. Thankfully this LARP magazine had stuff that would fit me so I ordered from there. Shame GDFB stuff is way too big for me... Considering they only come in Large XL and XXL. The GDFB shoes fit me perfectly though, couldnt ask for better medieval shoes. Wish there was a local shop where I could try things on before buying them to figure out what fits me well.

Just be careful what you wish for. I used to have the same problem. Then I put on about 65 pounds. :)
Title: Re: Now THIS just isn't fair!
Post by: Sir William on 2010-09-28, 15:08:08
Yeah the problem isn't my height so much as it is finding clothing that would fit me like a second skin, especially pants. Everythings usually too loose for me. Thankfully this LARP magazine had stuff that would fit me so I ordered from there. Shame GDFB stuff is way too big for me... Considering they only come in Large XL and XXL. The GDFB shoes fit me perfectly though, couldnt ask for better medieval shoes. Wish there was a local shop where I could try things on before buying them to figure out what fits me well.

Yea, I have a hard time finding things to fit me well...the way they ballpark it, one size fits a lot, doesn't always work out for me.  I'm with you, in wishing there were a local shop to try stuff on first...can't tell you how many items I've had to send back because they were ill-fitting or ill-made (pics can be deceiving)!!
Title: Re: Now THIS just isn't fair!
Post by: Sir Edward on 2010-09-28, 18:01:17

If you ever make it out to Pennsic, Ice Falcon has a shop there, and you can try on the mail he sells.
Title: Re: Now THIS just isn't fair!
Post by: Sir William on 2010-09-28, 19:11:29
I've always wanted to go...but I could never talk my wife into essentially camping out at an adult playground for us I may have to go it solo; we'll see.  Either way, if any of you guys go, maybe I could tag along for a little while?  I'll not be able to do the full 2 weeks even if I wanted to.
Title: Re: Now THIS just isn't fair!
Post by: Sir Edward on 2010-09-28, 19:48:57

It's not just a boy's only event, so no worries there. As long as she has any interest in anything medieval or renaissance, there's always something to do. There are classes on dancing, music, art, sciences (like siege engines or alchemy), henna, making period drinks and foods, etc. There's always something going on... parties, events, archery range, and TONS of shopping.
Title: Re: Now THIS just isn't fair!
Post by: Sir Ulrich on 2010-09-28, 20:04:01
Yeah that's why I like going to shops in various faires and seeing what they sell, then looking online for it. Usually they sell things are inflated prices than what you can get them online for. I would like to try armor on before buying it though...
Title: Re: Now THIS just isn't fair!
Post by: Sir William on 2010-09-29, 18:31:54
Yea, that'd be ultra smooth to be able to do that.  Its funny, when I first started goin to the Ren Faire, my eyes were wide open like a kid in a candy store when I'd visit the sword and armor vendors...but now that I know better, it almost hurts my eyes to see some of their wares.  That's just evidence of my research coloring my outlook; there really is something for everyone though, isn't there?
Title: Re: Now THIS just isn't fair!
Post by: Sir Edward on 2010-09-29, 19:01:16

That's the problem I've developed. I used to insist on only buying things in person so I could handle them first. As my tastes evolved, I'm at a point where there's very little I can handle up-front, unless I know someone who has bought it already. The local renfaires don't have Albions, or much in the way of armor, etc.
Title: Re: Now THIS just isn't fair!
Post by: Sir William on 2010-09-29, 19:56:30
No and what they do offer is usually grossly marked up.  Seen some Starfires goin for $400...I'm like really?  Serious?  You'd do just as well with a crowbar, and it'd last longer.  Personal bias?  Maybe.  lol
Title: Re: Now THIS just isn't fair!
Post by: Sir Edward on 2010-09-29, 20:11:29

Yup, that's been pretty much my view of Starfires as well. Hilted crowbars. Of course, I still have mine from back in the days when I thought they were cool, and thought they were about all you could get in the way of blunted trainer swords. Boy was I wrong on all counts.
Title: Re: Now THIS just isn't fair!
Post by: Sir William on 2010-09-29, 20:29:27
Weren't we all?  I used to think that wallhangers were perfectly acceptable swords...imagine my surprise when my first ever, on the second strike, turned into a helicopter of death?  Ha!  Good times.  Hey, what'd I expect for $12, right?  LOL

Took me some time to figure out that you get what you pay for...usually.  Came across a mean little cutter, an actual Masahiro Bamboo (first run, not to be confused with the Musashi Bamboo, an inferior product) for $75 shipped that I've come to realize is a real I kept it.  Not much of a katana guy, but I had to have one so there you have it.

That's about the ONLY time I can recall where I got something good for cheap; that's not usually the case.
Title: Re: Now THIS just isn't fair!
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2010-09-30, 13:41:39
hahaha oooooooooooo helicopter of death hehehe
Title: Re: Now THIS just isn't fair!
Post by: Sir William on 2010-09-30, 14:07:40
Yea, I didn't know that was what it was called at that time, for me it was a WTF moment.  lol
Title: Re: Now THIS just isn't fair!
Post by: Sir James (Fiat Lux) on 2010-10-01, 19:55:11

Yup, that's been pretty much my view of Starfires as well. Hilted crowbars. Of course, I still have mine from back in the days when I thought they were cool, and thought they were about all you could get in the way of blunted trainer swords. Boy was I wrong on all counts.

To be fair, though, the Fiat Lux uses them because of their warranty. We've broken swords on more than one occasion, and getting a no-questions-asked replacement is rather nice. Certainly doesn't handle as well as an Albion, but it does have its uses.
Title: Re: Now THIS just isn't fair!
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2010-10-01, 20:09:23
oh i'm would never argue against them. i owned one and they are great for what they are needed to be. :)  i just prefer different ones now (Paul Binns, ARmour Class etc)
Title: Re: Now THIS just isn't fair!
Post by: Sir Edward on 2010-10-01, 20:15:54

That's true, it's hard to beat the warranty on the Starfires! I'm not sure where their price-point is these days. I know the one I have wasn't very costly when I got it. Not everyone can afford Albion or A&A trainers. Thankfully there are other cost-effective options becoming available as late, from CAS Hanwei for instance, and the new line of Tinker swords (which I haven't had a chance to handle yet).

The Hanwei "practical" line is very good for the price, but I don't know about the long-term durability. My "hand and a half" works great as a single-hand trainer, but it seems that the leather wrap on the grips come apart very easily. So far the blade is holding up well though.
Title: Re: Now THIS just isn't fair!
Post by: Sir James (Fiat Lux) on 2010-10-01, 20:25:45
I'll have to look into some of those. Any particular suggestions? Preferably with a nice balance? The Starfires are quite blade-heavy.
Title: Re: Now THIS just isn't fair!
Post by: Sir Edward on 2010-10-01, 20:37:08
That's the thing that really makes me not like the starfires. Their blade presence is like a crowbar. Heh, I forgot you guys use them. :)

Well, of course I love the A&A and Albion pieces, so I recommend those highly.

The CAS-Hanwei practical single-hand and practical hand-and-a-half are very serviceable for being so cheap. They do have thinner edges, so you don't want to hit with full force unless armored, but they're pretty safe even with just a gambeson (though as with any steel trainer, a mask and gauntlets are still necessary). Both of these swords work well as single-hand trainers. In fact, the hand-and-a-half has a lighter feel in this regard, and I prefer mine for that use.  These can be had in the < $150 range.

A&A ( has a "Scholar's Sword" that is quite good, but it certainly costs more, at about $360.


I don't have one of the CAS-Hanwei "Federschwert" swords, but I've gotten to handle them a bit. For the MSRP (about $130), they do pretty well. The blades are perhaps a bit too flexible, as they can be a little whippy. But they're light and quick, and cheap! Just don't buy them from the renfaire, since they might be considerably more expensive. I saw one for over $400 at the MD faire. Ridiculous. If you're going to pay that much, go get an Albion.

As for Albion, the Meyer is a great trainer. My only complaint is that the guard is wide enough to actually get in your way occasionally, but this usually isn't a problem. The balance is fantastic, the weight is just right. It flexes well and yet is not whippy. It's awesome. They also have one called the Liechtenauer, but to me it's more of a stage sword than a sparring sword. Others may disagree with me on that. The reason I feel that way is that it has a more visibly realistic blade shape, but also very thin edges that can hurt when struck through a gambeson.

A&A's Fechterspiel is excellent as well. I had one before I got the Meyer from Albion. I love them both, but the Meyer is a little nicer in my opinion.

These Albions and Fechterspiels are all in the mid to upper $400's.

I haven't had a chance to handle the Tinker swords, but they're another option, I think somewhere in the middle in terms of cost.
Title: Re: Now THIS just isn't fair!
Post by: Sir Ulrich on 2010-10-01, 21:03:56
My first sword handled like crap, All it is to me is really a decorative piece. Was way too blade heavy and I couldn't swing it much. Looks nice when hung on the wall though.

The Practical Norman I bought is the best sword I own currently, handles pretty well, looks rather plain and grip isn't too bad. I've slammed my Norman onto a steel bin and it didn't chip at all so that's a good blunt trainer right there.

I handled some Starfires at the NY renaissance faire and I must say they may handle better than my first sword, my only real complaint was the lack of brazil nut pommels on them. Bit blade heavy as well but nothing TOO bad.

Albion swords are probably the best looking to me, shame i'll never be able to afford one anytime soon. I love how historically accurate simple and elegant they really are. Shame none of the trainers have the hilt type i'm looking for.
Title: Re: Now THIS just isn't fair!
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2010-10-01, 23:04:46
i have an old cas ibera viking blunt and a paul binns. my cas does not like my binns hehehe it has many knicks and marks from being hit with it. but for the money its not bad and they have improved things. i just hate hate hate the new cas blade layout. why couldn't they leave it looking like a sword?
Title: Re: Now THIS just isn't fair!
Post by: Sir Ulrich on 2010-10-02, 03:16:09
Yeah I think they redesigned the practical series to be more resistant to blade on blade contact, I did take a look at the tinker blunts and they easily chipped and whatnot during blade to blade contact. Personally I don't think swords were meant for blade to blade contact, they were meant to cut flesh and cut through gambesons and whatnot. Just shows you how inaccurate films are with depicting medieval combat.
Title: Re: Now THIS just isn't fair!
Post by: Sir William on 2010-10-07, 20:44:30
I happen to own 2 of the new Hanwei/Tinkerline swords, the Bastard (unfullered) and the GreatSword of War- I have to say, I like these head and shoulders above Hanwei's Practical line (had the Hand and Half and Singlehand swords; sold the H&H and kept the SH for the wife).  The H/T Bastard is one of the best handling swords I've ever wielded- which may not be saying much as I've only handled maybe 100 swords in my lifetime, but from all types and backgrounds- Windlass, Gen2, DSA, VA/Atrim, H/Tinker and Albion and I've found something to like in each of their respective offerings but few of them have I ever loved.  The H/T Bastard is one of the is my Albion Arn.  I think the H/T Bastard as a blunt would be very serviceable.

Conall, I agree with you- swords were not made for edge-to-edge contact which makes sense; I can tell you from personal experience that even light sparring edge to edge will ruin a sword rather quickly, I've done that to at least half a dozen of mine.  Since they were all Windlass, no real harm done, but still...that's 6 swords that are basically useless, except as lesson enhancers if you will.
Title: Re: Now THIS just isn't fair!
Post by: Sir Ulrich on 2010-10-16, 21:27:21
$70.00 gambeson? - That's a pretty reasonable price for a gambeson.
Details my good Sir! Details! How thick is it? What kind of material is it made of?
Is it linen, cotton, or polyester from the rare Persian polyester trees of Iran?  ;)

Sorry I didn't see this post sooner, It's 100% cotton with cotton batting, it's a little thin which would make it useless as a stand alone armor but under mail or plate it would work out. Also has open armpits and removable arms for hotter weather. It's thicker around the neck and has a neck guard. Not a bad buy for 70 bucks, just wish it went down to my knees.
Title: Re: Now THIS just isn't fair!
Post by: Sir Brian on 2010-10-18, 12:42:36
Thank you kindly! I will definitely have to consider that one...although experience has taught me to go with a larger size with anything made of cotton!  ;)

Oh btw did you post a link to the vendor or did I miss it?
Title: Re: Now THIS just isn't fair!
Post by: Sir Ulrich on 2010-10-19, 23:16:43

That's the vendor I got it from, it's similar to the GDFB one but it's smaller size so it would fit me. Only complaint is it doesn't cover my thighs.... Maybe I should buy a different one?