"Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one."
                -- Marcus Aurelius

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The Round Table / Re: Pursuing the Knightly Arts
« Last post by Joshua Santana on 2017-12-03, 22:49:54 »
Awesome group! 
The Round Table / Re: New translation of Iberian treatise
« Last post by Joshua Santana on 2017-12-03, 22:49:37 »
The Round Table / Re: Article Pertaining to the Defense of Women
« Last post by Joshua Santana on 2017-12-03, 22:49:09 »
I would say that to stop sexual harassment one must convince society to stop pursuing its glorification of lust, sex, and care free living.  Is it going to happen: likely no, but with enough people and a change in today's culture, it is possible to achieve it.

The reason why I feel that it is important for would-be modern knights to cultivate this skill is because, should we be successful in cultivating our character through The Code, we should be the sort of man that women would naturally approach for help with predatory men, just like "Clark," the man that the author had approached in her article. However, where "Clark" failed, we must not, not if we are to embody our highest ideals. Character must be paired with competence, or else we would be doing more harm than good.

You make a good point here, one must know the balance of being protective in contrast to being controlling.  A Knight of Today or the Modern Warrior must be one who understands the social nuances of today and must not be blind to the cultural arrogance that gives way to devaluing of women and sincere love. 

This is why we Modern Knights/Warriors must educate ourselves with Wisdom texts and how to apply what we learn in our daily actions.
This is very interesting. 
The Round Table / Re: Why do you want to be a Knight?
« Last post by Joshua Santana on 2017-12-03, 22:43:00 »
Here is my answer to this question.

My reason why I want to be a Knight is because of my personal aspiration to emulate the example of Chivalry as seen in the romances and in such individuals as William Marshal, Betrand du Guesclin, Gutierre Diaz de Gamez etc. 

And yet one will ask why I do so, my answer is this: the example set by these individuals speaks to the heart of those that seek a better path in life where Honor, Loyalty, Courage, Stoic wisdom are valued over base interests such as ill gotten wealth, status and fame etc.  We see in our world people falling victim to hypocrisy, scandal, egoism, moral apathy and arrogance.  We who recognize this are tired of seeing this and we (including myself) make the choice to live life by the standard of excellence (Chivalry) as best we can.

In regards to me, I chose the Path of Chivalry as far back in 2010 with knowing very little about the ideal.  I recall that even as a kid I always had an attraction to the ideal of heroism.  As time went one with further learning and training I came to understand that I have come a long way yet not knowing the why to my actions.  When I found the answer in the past months, this has helped me to resolute in my following the Path of Chivalry or the Way of the Warrior. I have detailed these thoughts in these blog posts I have written:


Why do I want to be a Knight?  The answer: I want to live with Honor so that my life and actions are filled with purpose and that I can be the example so that when a kid sees me and my conduct, they will be inspired to do the same and more.  If I should be married and have a family, I want my example to be emulated by my children not because I force them to do so, but rather they want to of their own volition and inspiration to imitate a father whose personal conduct instills in them honor and humility.  I echo what the Stoics of Greece and Rome, Geoffri de Charny, Baldassare Castiglione, Brad Miner, Miyamoto Musashi, Yammamoto Tsunemoto have been saying: Living by and with Honor as Warriors makes better individuals who thus make society better.

The need for a better life is what we face daily, the will to live life with purpose is another and I believe this is why we are here in this forum.  We all seek a purposeful life, and within the ideal of Chivalry we seek that purpose and aspire to live by it as best we can.  I say; let all of us be united in our joined effort to live and act by the ideal of Honor (Chivalry) so that we can make the better difference in our lives and in people.   
The Campaign / Re: Northern California
« Last post by Sir Rauri MacNeill on 2017-11-28, 02:54:06 »
The Redding - Chico area.
The Campaign / Re: Northern California
« Last post by Thorsteinn on 2017-11-25, 14:49:28 »
There are some HEMA folks in the area, as well as SCA folks, but that part of the Central Valley is heavy with SCA when it comes to Medievalists. I lived for 30+ years in Reno and was in your part of the woods a lot. Where north of Sac are you looking?
The Campaign / Re: Northern California
« Last post by jason77 on 2017-11-22, 14:18:58 »
You may only find such a thing with your local SCA group. There aren't many re-enactors outside of that organization.
The Campaign / Northern California
« Last post by Sir Rauri MacNeill on 2017-11-22, 09:51:08 »
Is there anyone who lives North of Sacramento that is a part of this forum? I am looking for a group that is interested in realistic living history and reenactments. If there is not an established group, I would be interested in starting one if there are enough people who are interested.
The Great Hall / Re: Hello to all!
« Last post by Sir Nate on 2017-11-16, 19:47:42 »
Most Templar re-enactors buy this surcoat, since it matches the few historical sources we have that tell us what Templar surcoats looked like. What you should do is move the cross to over the left breast area. But the material is wool which is what separates it from other surcoats on the market. You can also make your own surcoat. If your doing 12th century, it would actually be more fitting to have sleeves on your surcoat.
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