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Author Topic: Ancient Knightly Wisdom (True Quote, no matter the source)  (Read 70809 times)


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Re: Ancient Knightly Wisdom (True Quote, no matter the source)
« Reply #45 on: 2013-05-08, 00:23:22 »
"I have not invented a "new style," composite, modified or otherwise that is set within distinct form as apart from "this" method or "that" method. On the contrary, I hope to free my followers from clinging to styles, patterns, or molds. Remember that Jeet Kune Do is merely a name used, a mirror in which to see "ourselves". . . Jeet Kune Do is not an organized institution that one can be a member of. Either you understand or you don't, and that is that.

There is no mystery about my style. My movements are simple, direct and non-classical. The extraordinary part of it lies in its simplicity. Every movement in Jeet Kune-Do is being so of itself. There is nothing artificial about it. I always believe that the easy way is the right way. Jeet Kune-Do is simply the direct expression of one's feelings with the minimum of movements and energy. The closer to the true way of Kung Fu, the less wastage of expression there is.

Finally, a Jeet Kune Do man who says Jeet Kune Do is exclusively Jeet Kune Do is simply not with it. He is still hung up on his self-closing resistance, in this case anchored down to reactionary pattern, and naturally is still bound by another modified pattern and can move within its limits. He has not digested the simple fact that truth exists outside all molds; pattern and awareness is never exclusive.

Again let me remind you Jeet Kune Do is just a name used, a boat to get one across, and once across it is to be discarded and not to be carried on one's back."

-Bruce Lee

I think we can all get this. :)

http://www.fightingmaster.com/masters/brucelee/quotes.htm#On JKD not being a style
« Last Edit: 2013-05-08, 00:24:12 by Thorsteinn »
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Re: Ancient Knightly Wisdom (True Quote, no matter the source)
« Reply #46 on: 2013-05-08, 03:41:12 »

From Kingdom of Heaven -
highly inaccurate movie, but very good nonetheless with some good lessons to be learned within.

And in "How to Train Your Dragon" - "We're Vikings, it's an occupational hazard!"  It's funny, but that is so inspiring.  Any time something dangerous came up, which happened plenty for me, I just thought about it and was like "yup, it's an occupational hazard" and went for it.  I've made it back every time too.  Sometimes, not in the best of shape, like Hiccup, but I made it back nonetheless.
« Last Edit: 2013-05-08, 03:43:03 by B. Patricius »
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Re: Ancient Knightly Wisdom (True Quote, no matter the source)
« Reply #47 on: 2013-06-02, 17:54:54 »
Gaius Octavian Caesar: This is absurd. I have no soldiery stuff in me, and this exertion brings on a fever. I feel it in my spleen.
Titus Pullo: You're just not used to it. It takes time. I've seen you kill. There's plenty of soldier in you.
Gaius Octavian Caesar: It's not the killing. It's the waving about of swords I find tedious. I dare say I can kill people readily enough as long as they're not fighting back.
Titus Pullo: Never fear young Dominus. We'll make a regular terror of you.
Gaius Octavian Caesar: At best I'll be a middling swordsman.
Titus Pullo: It's better than nothing.
Gaius Octavian Caesar: There you are wrong. The graveyards are full of middling swordsmen. Best not to be a swordsman at all than a middling swordsman.
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Sir James A

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Re: Ancient Knightly Wisdom (True Quote, no matter the source)
« Reply #48 on: 2015-01-25, 02:43:02 »
Necro'ing this thread, was re-playing a game from years ago that I really enjoy and heard this in the dialogue:

The path I walk is not one that changes with the times.

- Hideyasu Yuki, "Soki" (Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams for PS2)
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Re: Ancient Knightly Wisdom (True Quote, no matter the source)
« Reply #49 on: 2015-01-25, 05:09:57 »
WOw cool thread! I never saw this one... Perfect because I have TONS of awesome quotes to start listing on hear in the future.
-"I raise not the sword, but the shield."-Aiden Max


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Re: Ancient Knightly Wisdom (True Quote, no matter the source)
« Reply #50 on: 2015-01-25, 06:35:53 »
Because not giving up is also knightly.

Imagine if you were blind.
Imagine if you were blind.
Complete darkness, no colors, no views, no beauty.
Just pitch black.
If you were blind, ask yourself how badly would you want to see?
If pushing yourself to your limits would give you sight, would you do it?
If there was a cure, would you let anything stand in your way?
Would you risk the haters and the critics to see you sweat?
Do you really want to see?
Would you really care if they mocked you? Laughed at you? Pointed at you? Or bad mouthed you?
Would you be concerned about your extreme goal, or embrace extreme work?
What if you had to learn hurt, trust pain and embrace struggle?
Would you still be concerned with being realistic?
Would you still figure your odds and calculate your chances?
If you had to spend more time planning your workouts and less time planning your weekends, would it even be a tough choice?
If the cure for blindness was humility and pain, would you go for it?
If the cure for blindness was looking foolish would you risk it?
If seeing again took a fight, would you start swinging?
If the cure was doing things you can't do, would you attempt them?
If a few extra hours, a few more drops of sweat, and a little bit more blood is all it took, would you claim your sight?
Do you really want to succeed?
Then choose to be blind and do what it takes to see.
Because if you don't, then you're just blind anyway.
Fall down seven, get up eight.

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Re: Ancient Knightly Wisdom (True Quote, no matter the source)
« Reply #51 on: 2015-01-30, 17:09:37 »
WOw cool thread! I never saw this one... Perfect because I have TONS of awesome quotes to start listing on hear in the future.

Oh great. Aiden is going to start reciting every fortune cookie he cracks open. Save space in the memory dump. LOL :)
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Re: Ancient Knightly Wisdom (True Quote, no matter the source)
« Reply #52 on: 2015-12-27, 19:42:24 »
Rocky Balboa - Motivational/Inspirational Speech To Son

Rocky Balboa- Speech To Board
« Last Edit: 2015-12-27, 19:42:55 by Thorsteinn »
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Re: Ancient Knightly Wisdom (True Quote, no matter the source)
« Reply #53 on: 2016-01-05, 00:01:26 »

Gosh, it's been quite a while since I watched any of the Rocky movies. When I did watch them again a few years ago (the first time probably since the '80s), I had a completely different mindset than before. When I was young, I didn't really get the fighter mentality.

I mean, as a kid seeing the first film, it was like "What? He didn't win? What's this 'going the distance' thing?" It made sense on a much deeper level, seeing it again as an adult.

I know these clips are from the more recent film, though. :)
Sir Ed T. Toton III
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Sir James A

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Re: Ancient Knightly Wisdom (True Quote, no matter the source)
« Reply #54 on: 2016-02-06, 18:05:01 »
As we walk down the road of our destiny
And the time comes to choose which it gonna be
The wide and crooked, or the straight and narrow
We got one voice to give and one life to live
Stand up for something or lie down in your game
Listen to the song that we sing
It's up to you to make it be
I guess I'll see you, when you see me

~ Coolio
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Re: Ancient Knightly Wisdom (True Quote, no matter the source)
« Reply #55 on: 2016-08-02, 21:03:28 »
"Through action, a Man becomes a Hero... Through death, a Hero becomes a Legend... Through time, a Legend becomes a Myth... And by learning from the Myth, a Man takes action." - Unknown
"Love everybody, but never sell your sword" - Paul Coelho


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Re: Ancient Knightly Wisdom (True Quote, no matter the source)
« Reply #56 on: 2017-04-16, 00:47:20 »
"If you have confidence in your own words, aspirations, thoughts, and actions and do your very best, you will have no need to regret the outcome of what you do. Fear and trembling are lot of the person who, while stinting effort, hopes that everything will come out precisely as he wants."

"Each of us has his cowardice. Each of us is afraid to lose, afraid to die. But hanging back is the way to remain a coward for life. The Way to find courage is to seek it on the field of conflict. And the sure way to victory is willingness to risk one's own life."

"Studying the martial Way is like climbing a cliff: keep going forward without rest. Resting is not permissible because it causes recessions to old adages of achievement. Persevering day in, day out improves techniques, but resting one day causes lapses. This must be prevented."

"It is possible for even the smallest of accolades of achievement to be truly worthwhile without tears and toil?"

"If I strike hard enough, your entire body is a pressure point."

-Mas Oyama, Founder of Kyokushin Karate
« Last Edit: 2021-08-27, 21:19:13 by Thorsteinn »
Fall down seven, get up eight.