This is a 15th century War Hammer made by Museum Replicas, it was called the New War Hammer in their catalog and sold for 124.99, this one still has the original price stickers on it. They closed out the last ones at 89.99 I picked up 2 of them. It weighs 2 1/2 pounds, forged from carbon steel. I know a steel drum will not stand up to it at all. I thought the hammer head could be forged into a hawk head and the top spike cut off.overall it's 26 1/2" long, head from front to back spike is 5 7/8". It's mounted on a hardwood shaft with a buttcap. it's a very heave duty,nice made piece.$47.00 shipped with delivery confirmation Payment by postal money order or I can take paypal also.
The thread you're thinking of was Sean Flynt's Pollaxe/Streithammer Project on myA. This was the thread that got me off my rear and finish Hafting my Poleaxe Head. Sean does some outstanding modification and DIY stuff.
That's a nice hammer...been wanting one too. Not sure about those side spikes though...wouldn't they dig into your hips?
a friend of mine had a MRL axe and hit a shield with it, the half broke and the head flew a good ways away
Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2011-01-13, 00:57:34a friend of mine had a MRL axe and hit a shield with it, the half broke and the head flew a good ways awayThis has been my experience with all of MRL's hafts to date. Whatever type of wood it is, it seems to break very, very easily. Still, a number of people on myArmoury have used MRL polearms as "home improvement" projects to great success.