Actually you're fine, color-wise. In a field division, even with an ordinary, the colors are next to each other and not "over" each other. The two upper quadrants are either metal on color, or color on metal, so they look fine.
The thing is, there's no really no division that goes three-way like that exactly. What you'd probably have is less than a third of the height of the shield in the blue region, and it would be called a "base azure", with the primary field division being Per Pale Sable and Or.
The three-part divisions that do exist are the Per Pall divisions that contain diagonal boundaries.
One way to cheat would be to consider it to be an "Impalement" (combination of two family's arms) that is divided Per Fess, with the second family's arms being just a blank blue field. But that's reaching.
I'm attaching a sample of what I think would be heraldicly correct. BTW, all animal charges are assumed to be facing left (to dexter) unless specified otherwise. I'd probably blazon it as "Per Pale Sable and Or, A Wolf Rampant Argent, A Raven Sable, a Base Azure".