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Author Topic: Bastardsword length preference?  (Read 14417 times)

Lord Dane

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Re: Bastardsword length preference?
« Reply #15 on: 2012-08-09, 21:40:52 »
Agreed. I only utilize bastard swords (i.e. hand-and-a-half swords) except for one two-handed longsword I have. No sense in having one-handed broadswords really when you wish to have the most versatility out of one's armory. My total length (blade & hilt) tend to be the same averages as Sir Edward. Keep the blades proportionate and balanced.

I dunno...I have an Albion SL Knight that is superb in handling characteristics and agility...a great closer quarters weapon that can be brought into play quite quickly.  A great option in its own right, in case I happen to lose my primary sword.  From horseback, I'd always go with the bastard but on the ground, I actually prefer the shorter singlehander paired with a shield.

All my brothers prefer longswords for foot combat it would seem.  ;)

Shorter on horseback always preferred. I rarely use shield except with an axe or spear. Use to keeping myself moving with a longer bladed weapon on foot.

« Last Edit: 2012-08-09, 21:48:10 by Lord_Dane »
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