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Author Topic: LAtex Swords  (Read 6088 times)

Sir Wolf

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LAtex Swords
« on: 2008-04-08, 00:18:10 »
any had any experience with latex swords? I've seen a bunch online but not in hand. how do they fair against plate etc?

Das Bill

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Re: LAtex Swords
« Reply #1 on: 2008-04-08, 03:34:42 »
Most of what I've seen are pretty horrid. They handle about as well as a pool noodle with a PVC core (since that's basically what they are). They certainly have no realistic feeling in the bind. And plate will definately rip them apart. I can't recommend them for any WMA type of use. They might be fine for film, LARP, or something that doesn't require it to handle like a real sword.
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