Main > The Round Table

ever wonder what all the rooms are really for?

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Sir William:
Down below, far down below I'd think.

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Ancelyn on 2010-10-28, 16:21:12 ---Where's the oubliette? You have to have a dungeon of some kind.

--- End quote ---

They forgot where it was. :)

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
Bodiam Castle is one of the most evocative castles we have in England. It is just how most of us imagine a castle to look like.

If you ever get the chance to see a tv series called "Castle", presented by historian Marc Morris, then you will be treated to his interpretations of castle life, construction, history and evolution. One of the episodes is almost entirely dedicated to Bodiam Castle.

I have looked on the net for the series to no avail, but here is a nicely made filmette of the castle on youtube;

If any of you ever come to England I would love nothing more than to show you some of my favorite castles.  ;)


Sir William:
Maybe, once we get this whole Order thing down pat, we can make a trip as the Order of the Marshal to view his former domains, and see some castles while we're at it.


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