Main > The Round Table

Discussion: Humility

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Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Paladin on 2010-10-25, 16:01:30 ---Is it just me or do you guys eat more than your usual wont?  I chalk it up to the extra energy expenditure of walking around fully garbed and in armor!  Hey, it works for me.  Steak on a stake is both my friend and my enemy...I can't leave'm alone.  And I still have not had the pork that Sir Brian told me about...I plan on indulging on that starting next year!

--- End quote ---

Surprisingly, I usually tend to eat very little there. But for some reason I seem prone to getting a bit of sour stomach in the middle of the day while I'm there. So a light lunch, and I'm usually good for the day. If that weren't the case, I'd be all over the light finger foods throughout the day probably. :)

Heh, maybe this thread should be about gluttony. :)

But back on topic, I find it interesting that some folks would think we're camera-seekers. That's probably true of a some other garbed patrons, particularly the flamboyantly-dressed ones. But there are cheaper and easier ways than some of the more complex garb, like armor or nobles. Both of these are expensive and difficult to do. No, I think being in pictures is a poor excuse to do it.

I think it's perfectly possible to show humility and yet look your best. Looking the part doesn't make you vain.

Sir William:
Agreed; it isn't like we're disdainful of the other patrons or sneer at their requests for pictures like a vagabond or wicked knight might.

Sir Patrick:
I don't see how people can say those who garb up at a faire are attention seekers, when there are sooo many of them.  In fact I feel they add an important dimension to the event.  The official cast is usually so small in proportion to the overall number of fairegoers, without playtrons you'd feel like you were just watching an exhibit.

Sir William:
Excellent point...I like how for the average faire-goer, there is little difference between the cast and the playtrons- we're all garbed, we're all of a like mind, so to speak.  I love looking around and seeing many people garbed up, not just a few.

Despite our best efforts, the DoW (Day of Wrong) was in full swing; may I draw your attention to the plague victim (who informed me that he and his girl had switched garb for the day lol).

He saw me, exclaimed 'Ooh, a shiny man!' and came running over with arms open wide...he caught me off-guard so I put on my most winning smile and hugged him!  Hey, what else could I do?  He was havin a blast and it was infectious, no pun intended.  He said he'd put on the green so he could 'spread the love'.  You meet some real characters, I love it.


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