Main > The Round Table

Discussion: Humility

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Sir William:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2010-10-25, 14:57:57 --- and that is the look of awe from the youngsters which is really the one magical moment when we know that we have helped make an indelible memory in that child's life that may just be the spark of interest that will carry that youngster to pursue and contribute to the preservation of some aspect of history or perhaps the expressive expansion of human creativity. That my good sirs are small touches of immortality that is possible for us beyond our immediate families and I find that notion to be most humbling.

--- End quote ---

You said it all right there, Sir Brian. 

Sir Edward:

Well said, indeed! You never know which moments will be forever recorded in child's mind. The opportunity to be an inspiration is truly humbling. Having our picture taken every 5 feet around the faire site isn't at all why we do this, though it too can be fun. It has never been about vanity. If we were attention-whores, there are far more shocking things we could wear. :)

Sir William:
I never knew it was like that til I was standing there w/you guys...ordinarily, I might get one or two requests but I lost count of how many there were at some point.  We'd be engaged in conversation only to get a request, then get turned around as another request came wife couldn't keep up!  lol

Sir Edward:

Yeah, when we're in a group together, the picture requests just sort of multiply. If I'm by myself, I still get them, but not as many. Unless I'm looking for someone or stuffing my face at lunch, then I get asked constantly. :)

However, a lot of it is the helmets. If we put them on, it can take us a few hours to walk around the site because we'll get photo-ops constantly. Take them off, and look like you're in a hurry, and you can walk from one end to the other and only get stopped once or twice.

Sir William:
LOL @ look like you're in a hurry...I know it may sound bad but sometimes, for the sake of alacrity, I'll avoid making eye contact.  You know someone's wanting your attention because they're looking at you intently and I try to rhino my way past, as it were.  I don't do it often, only when I'm leaving or looking for something to eat.

Is it just me or do you guys eat more than your usual wont?  I chalk it up to the extra energy expenditure of walking around fully garbed and in armor!  Hey, it works for me.  Steak on a stake is both my friend and my enemy...I can't leave'm alone.  And I still have not had the pork that Sir Brian told me about...I plan on indulging on that starting next year!


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