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Discussion: Truth

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Sir Edward:

Yes, that's very much my thinking. Without truth, everything else falls apart, as there can be no justice, no honor, and no learning.

Sir Patrick:
Truth is the foundation upon which the pillars of chivalry are built.  I wish to clarify in my earlier post that I do not condone lying by any means, I was merely pointing out there are certain, trivial social situations in which our opinions (which can be a bit subjective) are not necessarilly THE TRUTH.  In those instances, I feel it's better to err on the side of courtesy.

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: The Red Knight on 2010-10-18, 03:21:11 --- In those instances, I feel it's better to err on the side of courtesy.

--- End quote ---

Absolutely. And of course, there can also be times when the greater good is service by completely breaking the rules, so to speak. For instance, if by choice you were to take the blame for something so as to save someone else an even greater level of dishonor or embarrassment, that's a choice that results in you making a sacrifice, in a way that's technically dishonest, but could be completely selfless and honorable.

Sir Brian:
I also loved Merlin’s quote from the Excalibur movie, although I would’ve preferred if he had compared when a man lies to him murdering a part of his soul instead of the ambiguousness of the “world”. As was already mentioned truth is far too often unclear as well as relative. Some people will adamantly believe what they want to believe despite any evidence to the contrary of those beliefs and in all honesty is it right for anyone else to refute them for it?

What is far more important and has also been mentioned previously are the motives of the individual offering their concept of “truth”. If your heart is without malice then an honest sentiment will always be preferable and received in good grace by those who genuinely yearn to hear the truth.

What aspect of this virtue I think is even more important than the motives of someone is their consistency. By consistency I mean that a person should carefully weigh their perspectives with a jaundiced eye towards their inner gullibility to satisfy their own vanity.  - i.e. to not allow your perception of a situation, person(s), action, article or statement be easily swayed because of societal expediency. The road to a clear conscience is paved with internal as well as eternal vigilance.

Sir Patrick:

--- Quote ---The road to a clear conscience is paved with internal as well as external vigilance.
--- End quote ---

Without internal vigilance, external vigilance is vain, artificial, and hyporitical.


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