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Discussion: Truth

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Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: The Red Knight on 2010-10-19, 17:30:33 ---
--- Quote ---The road to a clear conscience is paved with internal as well as external vigilance.
--- End quote ---

Without internal vigilance, external vigilance is vain, artificial, and hyporitical.

--- End quote ---

 ??? ~ I profess I'm a bit confused.

It is true that external vigilance is vain, artificial and hypocritical without internal vigilance but in that quoted post I wrote eternal:
Which I meant everlasting, never ending etc.  ;)

Sir Patrick:
That makes more sense!  With all the talk of internal, my brain saw the next part as external.  When I checked my reply before posting,  I thought that I had made a typo (impossible since it was your quote) and "fixed" it!  :-[  My apologies, Sir Brian.

And that's the truth! :D

Sir Brian:
lol cool...for awhile there I thought I broke my thesaurus/spellchecker again!  :D

Sir Ancelyn:
Shortly following the publication of Ambassador G'Kar's bestselling book on the Narn Homeworld -

Narn speaking to G'Kar: "But what is Truth and what is god?"

G'Kar: "Truth is a river."

The Narn again: "And god?"

G'Kar: "God is the mouth of the river."

Narns walk away nodding and smiling.

Sir Edward:

Yeah, Babylon-5 had some great quotes.

"Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth."


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