Something like this would be VERY nice, am actually trying to replicate this as best I can, having a tought time on the knee cops and greaves though, other than that i found most of it
I remember that, and like the look. I'd just go with traditional legs in it's place, the rest is reasonably pseudo-historic and looks beastly.
Was looking around, I found everything except the leg armor, any you would recommend?
Almost positive it would have to be a straight up custom piece. It's not very practical from a construction perspective, and really, would probably be best to make out of molded ABS or something like they do for movie props. Doing that in steel would probably hit 4 figures, easily.
Jesus!! I dont want the EXACT piece, just something similar
You could get basic schynbalds (front greaves), and some "soupcan" knee cops (they have that flat "flaired edge"), and see if somebody would make the "middle" piece that's in-between them, but you'd probably have to send them both of the other pieces so they can make it fit right. Then there's the fluting to do, since that's "maximillian" style, and I've never seen (historical or repro) maximillian style armor with just the front schynbald plate or a soupcan knee - they're centuries apart in style, maximillian be an early 16th century style when "full plate" was the norm.
It's doable, but not easy. If you go with the "standard" kind of repro legs, with just that front schynbald plate, you can do it for ~$350, ballpark. I don't think it would throw off the look much either, unless you're comparing picture to kit, and even then, only people who have seen the picture *and* know you're going for that look would even have a chance at knowing it isn't what the original was... so it's a question of "inspiration" or "replication".