Main > The Round Table

Another CoA tool

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Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Paladin on 2010-10-14, 14:02:08 ---Oh, got you...still, worth a look, no?  This is just another aspect to knighthood that I've never truly explored, being more enamored with the arms and armor aspect.  The heraldry is just as important, I'm finding out.

--- End quote ---

I think so. Granted, that's one advantage of portraying a Templar, Hospitaller, or Teuton, in that you use the order's colors and not worry about it. But if you weren't in a monastic order, as a knight you'd be looking to build a personal reputation and need to be identifiable on the field.

Sir William:
And that's where I'm at now, or almost there.  I've yet to create a personal CoA, so this might be a good start for me, thanks for sharing.

Sir Edward:
Some more heraldry programs. These are aimed more at kids since they're simplistic and not useful for our purposes:

Sir Ulrich:
Made my coat of arms, it's a bit dark and gloomy but so is my persona

Explanation of the symbolism if you please?
And what happens to be your persona? 


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