Main > The Round Table

Another CoA tool

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Sir Brian:
Well I hate to be bearer of bad tidings…but your CoA would be considered armes fausses (false arms) or armes à enquérir (arms of enquiry) because there are a couple of violations with the rules of tinctures. There is nothing wrong with sticking with what you’ve got as I made the same violations with my original CoA and only partially improved it with my more familiar CoA but they were still technically not right. I only mention it so you can be prepared to perhaps be called upon it.  :-\

I really like the arrangement and your choice of a raven has lots of possibilities for finding a crest if you want to go with a great helm! :)

Sir Ulrich:
My persona is a crusader sergeant-at-arms who became a knight on fighting in the holy land, the raven symbolizes his intelligence while the cross basically means he was a crusader. I kept it simple cause I prefer simplicity to being complex. Originally the black background was white but white looks horrible on me (not to mention gets dirty easily) so I made it black to look a bit dark. Essentially he wears historically accurate stuff only in darker colors to be a sort of black knight so to say.

Sir Brian:
Ah so the actual color red has no significant meaning for you? In that case if you changed just the cross to yellow/gold (Or) then it would be well within the rules of tincture. You could go with a white (argent) cross but that runs the risk of being mistaken for a Hospitaller.  :-\

Sir Ulrich:
Well I just think red and black look awesome together, red cross over black is a Templar sergeant thing. I could go for a black cross over white with a Jerusalem cross over the black cross, but I want a raven in my coat of arms not another cross.

Sir Brian:
Ah my bad then! I didn't catch the templar order in there. I wrongly assumed the crusader inference meant your personae served as a crusader in general and not in a specific order. ;)


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