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Terry Jones: The Knight

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Sir Edward:
Terry Jones does a historical presentation on knights. It's worth noting that this falls into the camp of looking at knights as being rather brutal and not at all like the romanticized view. As we know, there's a lot of truth to this, but it's not fair to describe some of these high levels of brutality as always being the norm (killing villagers by the thousands, for instance), and chivalry never being adhered to. If this were the case, there wouldn't have been anyone left alive anywhere. :)

His quote from Chretien de Troyes is from "The Knight of the Cart", and is a line spoken by a woman who is manipulating a knight, and saying that this is how it was in the olden days. He skillfully avoids mentioning these details about the context.


Sir Gerard de Rodes:
Hi Ed, is this clip from the series he did as an adaption of his book on Medieval Lives ?( unfortunately I can`t view it in this country as it`s copy written by the BBC  :-\)

Sir Edward:
It looks like it's part of a series. I'm not familiar with it, unfortunately.

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
Well if you get the chance to read his book it is quite entertaining, as one would expect from a python lol


Sir Wolf:
i think i saw it a few years ago. it was entertaining :)


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