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How "in shape" was the average knight or man at arms?

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Sir Edward:
I think it also matters which period we're discussing. Earlier on, when knighthood was actually an elite warrior class, they probably would have been in top shape, unless injured beyond the capacity to maintain it. By the 16th century, it was evolving into a title of lower nobility, and there were knights who were not warriors in the earlier sense.

Sir Ulrich:
Probably pretty fit like an athlete who's rather flexible and agile but definitely not musclemen. Got a friend who thinks everyone back then was buff and strong like him, what he fails to realize is having tons of muscles and mass lowers your stamina and makes you less agile. Knights and soldiers HAD to be agile to avoid attacks and swing swords properly. Stamina matters more than strength especially in a heated battle.

Sir Edward:
I agree. I doubt they spent two hours a day lifting weights. Rather, they were doing athletic activities that build stamina and strength, not pure bulk.

Sir Wolf:
really great answers all around. i figure there diet had a lot to do with their conditioning as well. in reading you always hear how knights were invited to stay here or there so you know they ate better than the rest of the crowd.

i asked this cause I'm on a life style change of food and exercise. it's not a diet cause i don't wanna stop it hehehe.  watching what i'm eating, plenty of water, and running or stomach conditioning each day. I'm tired of being fat and out of shape hehehe

Sir Edward:

That's a good plan. I'm getting pretty sick of my physical condition too. I was exercising and avoiding excess carbs last year, and it was starting to help, and then I slacked off. I really need to get back to it. I'm clearly never going to lead an athletic lifestyle, but at least I can do something more than sit in front of a computer all the time.


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