Main > The Round Table

Spammers vs new members

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Sir Edward:
I'm still having to keep the forum on manual-verification of new users. Anyone signing up, please feel free to email me (contact info up in the "NOTE" section in the upper part of the page) to make sure you get signed up.

We're getting new users every few days, but they're all spammers. I'm getting to the point where I'm just deleting them as soon as I see them, since they have odd or simplistic usernames and tend to use gmail and other free email systems.

If I delete any real new users by accident, please forgive me, and send me an email!

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2008-01-26, 14:13:18 ---If you have difficulty joining the forum or creating an account, I can be contact at bones /at/

--- End quote ---

I've started getting very aggressive about deleting spam-bot accounts, and it's getting harder to tell from email addresses and chosen usernames which ones truly aren't legit. Please, when signing up for an account, send me an email at the above address to let me know you're a real person, so I won't accidentally delete your account.

I deleted seven bots this morning alone.

Sir William:
Wow...they are really trying hard aren't they?  To do what though, I wonder...

Sir Wolf:
its cause were elitists and they want into the club hehe

Sir William:
Ha ha, good point!


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