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Spammers vs new members

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Well, obviously the bots want in to send information about earth's secret historically-based line of defense back to the mothership.  ;D

Sir James A:
The bots will generally make a post or two like "Wow, great, been looking for this info" in a few threads to make it seem like a "good" new user. But then they create their sig, and the user profile website links, to link to a site generally along the lines of v!agr@ and things of that ilk.

Then as search engines start indexing the forum threads, and since part of the ranking of sites in a search is based on how many pages have linked to the site searched for ... bots with the same link across hundreds or thousands of forums shoots up their rankings in search results.

Better mousetraps make better mice, as they say. :(

Sir Edward:

Well, I let the new sign-ups pile up over the weekend and deleted 11 this morning. It's gotten to the point that I'm just outright deleting anything in the formats of "FirstnameLastname" or "FirstnameLastnameX" (where X is some number of digits or possibly random letters), especially if they use a free email service like hotmail or gmail for the account. They tend to use actual email accounts, because most forums require you to reply to an automatic email before you're allowed to post. They got through those AND the captchas before I switched new sign-ups to manual activation.

ugh, just think how much info they're sending to the mothership? Man, we're in trouble when the main bot visits earth from the home planet!
But really, thats GOT to be damn annoying   >:(
You computer programmers are better folks than I....

Sir William:
Sir, uh...haven't been a 'guest' on the mothership previously, have you?  lol


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