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Chivalry around the net...

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I personally believe that chivalry is still present in the net. Some of the most important aspects of chivalry to me are courage and the willingness to help the weak. Merely posting your thoughts on a forum, or any website for that matter is a bold display of courage. Plus, everywhere you look, there are people seeking assistance with their endeavors on the net, and almost instantly they are met with answers from people who have gone through what they are currently going through, and who would gladly help them with no promise of reward. It may not be the most amazing way of helping the weak, but it is still helping. So, while not as widely discussed as it could be, chivalry is still out there, in my opinion.

Sir Michael:
     I hope that this isn't to off topic but, I like to put chivalry into practice in my everyday life. If you truly think about it it's not that hard, for example just practicing simple manners such as opening doors for ladies as well as helping those who you can tell needs a hand.  Also standing up for yourself or for someone else if someone is doing something or saying something that you know is not just or morally right.  This act in itself takes a lot of bravery but you know deep in your heart it is the right thing to do.  Just my two cents.

Aiden of Oreland:
Well, things start somewhere, and it's starting off small. I for one, and I am sure others have too, watched the growth of this community. Seeing more and more join to understand and discuss what exactly is chivalry. It's comforting to see people joining to pursue chivalry and the number is only getting larger.


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